A few things to consider: What I ask myself when watering my garden

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Has 50 cents Did he get bigger because of inflation or is it just because of his diet?

The Olympic Games have lost their shine now that the communist Soviet Union is no longer a factor.

The metric system was drilled into me in seventh and eighth grade. I wonder if the advanced math we drill into seventh and eighth graders today will mean just as little in their 60s.

Our education system It would be better if the emphasis was more on social skills and less on test scores.

We told our youth We don’t care about them, we let them get so fat.

My new tri-fold wallet also takes some getting used to, as I have relied on a leaflet for most of this century.

A credit card is all you need unless you want to accumulate enormous debt.

Most adults end up as slaves, not only because billionaires refuse to pay decent wages, but also because most workers insist on spending more than they earn.

Nutrition and health Care should always be affordable.

We do not need as many missile systems or spy satellites as we think we need.

Almost everything advertisers Say you don’t need anything. If it’s necessary, no advertising is needed.

I don’t care No matter how the sports media tries to portray it, I was not impressed with our Olympic men’s basketball team.

Watering my plants by hand is very meditative. I adjust the height of my mister and count silently to 60 before moving on to the next plant. Counting is a great way to unwind.

Flowers (Tim Forkes)

I count a lot throughout the day. In addition to the plants I water, I also count the reps I do in my workouts, the eye drops I put in, every section of my teeth I brush, the number of people at the checkout, how many beers I drink, and an endless array of other things. I would be better off just counting my blessings.

Yes, Matthew Perry had several supporters. However, Matthew Perry died because he was in terrible physical condition and had an addiction he couldn’t overcome. He is less of a victim and more of an example of what fame does to people.

Why can’t we just admit it — Pre-season games are a waste of time. If you bet on the outcome of pre-season games, you have a gambling problem.

10 years have passed since I retired after 30 years as a teacher. Teachers won’t like this, but they aren’t required to spend their money on their classrooms. They do it voluntarily. If you extended their working hours by a third to match the typical working year of those working outside public education, and at the same time increased their pay by a third, they would see their salaries similar to those in other professions.

Most teachers I have no idea how many hours of overtime people in other professions work without compensation. Teachers do what they do by choice. In fact, most of us choose our profession. Teachers are not heroes for teaching your brat something. They are simply people who do the best they can with what they are given, and that is no different than any other profession.

College is a scam in most cases. It doesn’t lead to a better life. In many cases, it makes life harder because you get into debt. The best way to reduce the cost of college is to encourage young people to choose other options that don’t require a four-year degree, don’t require paying off student loans, and offer the opportunity to live and work outside the corporate confines we all try to force into.

I think if I had to do it all again I would have stayed at Chico State as a groundskeeper and earned additional degrees in writing, journalism, and film along the way. Of course, I would never use those degrees because I already had a job that I enjoyed.

The only thing that made teaching possible for me I would retire at 56. This had nothing to do with my pension, as I would have been much wiser to teach for another five or six years. However, thanks to this decision and a small inheritance, I was able to retire sooner rather than later, which is always better in the long run.

Our focus is on collecting University degrees, and the debt that comes with it has prevented too many people from retiring early. This is no accident. Fewer children are being born and the baby boomers are dying in droves. Yet we resent the immigrants who come here to work.

If you want to reduce the need for immigrants, Have more children and raise them to value hard work instead of making them feel like they are too good for it.

The last month was hotter than hell. I can already feel autumn in the air, especially in the mornings. Four different seasons remind me that everything is fleeting.

I can hardly look forward to the upcoming NFL season until at least November. Everything is an extended preseason until the trade deadline. Roger Goodell and the owners have no problem capitalizing on our passion for sports we consider must-sees. Most sports seasons are nothing more than distractions to fill time or an opportunity to bet on games.

I will repurpose everything. I recently pulled the cord out of some old running shorts because I knew I could use them for something else later. I set aside two t-shirts to make headbands. I have several pieces of wood that I’m going to recycle into planting beds. I even plan on using some leftover subway tiles that are taking up space in a shed.

We all know that recycling is better for the environment and can save a person a lot of money. But why do people insist on spending eternity in an expensive casket on a property that costs thousands of dollars? I would much rather just have it buried in my backyard without a casket or just thrown over my fence into the swamp behind me like everyone in the neighborhood seems to do with their dead pets.

I would prefer to be put to another use when I’m dead. Let a medical school use my body for practice before they pay for my cremation. Then my family can take my ashes and do what they want with them. My suggestion is to mix them with some concrete and build something more permanent.

When a ghost farts, does it smell like a dead person?

I wonder what we will learn about President Biden’s health once he’s out of office. I bet that, just like with FDR and Ronald Reagan, we’ll learn things about Biden that will make us wonder why he finished his term.

George Santos deserves to go to prison as a tight end and leave as a wide receiver.

Articles about Football teams’ preseason plans are about as accurate as my mental math.

Am I the only person who sees these Jordan Chiles Was the bronze medal fiasco a joke? If she had won the bronze medal first and then lost it to the Romanian after increasing her points, we would be just as outraged. A bunch of nothing for third place.

Gymnastics would be a real sport when two girls get on a balance beam and compete or box. The way it is now, it’s no different than a dog show, except there’s a judge squeezing their balls.

I don’t see any point in the RNC or DNC on television. Both are nothing more than an opportunity to throw daggers at their enemies and pat themselves on the back for being good guys. Wouldn’t it be better to televise both at the same time? Viewers could see the back and forth between the parties at the same time, rather than a four-day love fest held separately and aimed only at their base.

It kills me to know I’m paying eleven grand for three projects on my house that I could have done a few years ago for a fraction of the cost.

A man was recently diagnosed 90% of his brain is missing while he still lives a normal life. Try to live a normal life while you’re missing half your power and it will take up 90% of your mind.

I started painting a little less than a year ago and have used up a lot of canvas. I’m now at the point where my eye recognizes some of my earlier paintings for the simple crap they always were, so I’m now spending more money on gesso so I can cover them up and create a new color work that I’ll probably paint over again another year.

The air pressure is high, The morning temperatures are dropping and my body is aching. That tells me only one thing: Fall is coming. I may be the only guy on my street who looks forward to raking leaves. I may also be the only guy who hopes his neighbors will let me rake their leaves just so I can throw them on my compost pile.

I have the perfect place for a compost pile and plan to fill it with all the leaves I can get my hands on. Even better, I know I can do this project myself using recycled materials.

By Olivia

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