At 70, Al Roker feels “better than he has in years” thanks to this simple change

Al Roker today Season 73

Al Roker feels “better” than “in years” NBC – Getty Images

  • Al Roker turned 70 on August 20th.

  • “I feel better than I have in years,” he said on Instagram.

  • Daily walks make him feel great.

On Tuesday, August 20, Al Roker turned 70 – and he feels “better than he has in years,” he proudly announced on Instagram. Sharing the news in one of his popular walking videos, Roker said he has his online community to thank for helping him keep going into his seventh decade.

“This is all part of the Start Today program,” he said in the clip, referring to Today‘s healthy living walking group. “Get out there, get moving, add to what you’re already doing. Do what you can. Doing something is better than nothing. And I have to tell you, you all contributed to that.”

Over the years, Roker’s health journey has been a rollercoaster ride, with stops including gastric bypass surgery, cancer treatments and hospital stays for life-threatening blood clots. After each low point, he has bounced back and is now even more focused on his goals.

In 2022, he started walking daily, which helped him lose 20 kilos. And even today, he aims to do at least 10,000 steps a day. “I’ve now done over 10,000 steps for 186 days in a row,” he said recently Women’s worldHe even showed them in his coverage of the Olympic Games in Paris.

“I get up at about 4 a.m. to do our weather stuff, so I spoke to my meteorologist at 4:45 a.m. and we discussed what we wanted to do, so I run a few miles on the treadmill before I get going,” he said. Women’s world“Now that it’s getting longer and lighter earlier, I try to take a half-hour to 45-minute walk in Central Park and back. Some days I walk home from work. It’s not an active walk. It’s more like a stroll or a dance, a walk, if you will.”

Whatever helps to keep him as lively as he is at 70. And he is not mad about the number, he said recently on TodayIn fact, he believes that “age makes a person’s personality more apparent.” And we would have to agree.

Happy birthday, Al!

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By Olivia

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