But there are some things we need to return to

The Vice President says she doesn’t want to go back, and I know she’s talking about “Jim Crow” style laws, women getting paid even less for the same work, lynchings, unquestioned authoritarian action. There are some things I’d like to go back to though. I like the saying: If you can’t qualify and quantify your answers It is Nonsense.

Let me explain: In 1958, things were going great for America. We were very popular in Europe. It took only 13-14 years after we helped that book burning Nazis. The greatest generation lived in luxury. Their children went to public schools, where teaching was a respected profession and a teacher could afford a house. Science was the wave of the future. In 1958 NASA was founded and taxes on companies were around 90%.

Some people started to argue that the taxes on the richer companies and people were too high and that the taxes were being wasted. But we used that money to, literally shoot for the moon. Almost every An important industry was improved, invented or had its precursor in the space race. This includes, among others:

3. Satellite communications

6. Radio traffic

8. Drink powder (Tang)

If you look at the Forbes list of the richest companies (you also see individuals, because of course they are registered companies). But each of them Are Technology companies whose origins date back to investments during the Cold War. What do we invest in Today?

By Olivia

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