Experienced seed trader Paul Brautigam joins AXIS Ohio


“My mission has always been to help farmers improve their ROI, and that is a perfect fit with…AXIS Ohio.”

Paul Brautigam of St. Marys, Ohio, an experienced seed dealer and former board member of the Independent Professional Seedsmen Association (IPSA), has joined AXIS Ohio. (Photo courtesy)

MARION, Ohio — Paul Brautigam of St. Marys, Ohio, an experienced seed trader and former board member of the Independent Professional Seedsmen Association (IPSA), has joined AXIS Ohio. Brautigam will immediately assume responsibility for executing Axis’ mission of providing world-class genetics, crop protection products and services to growers in Northwest Ohio.

“Paul’s experience and knowledge in the field of genetics is extensive,” said Adam Conrad, general manager of AXIS Ohio, in making the announcement. “We look forward to him bringing his agronomic knowledge and passion for supporting farmers as we expand AXIS Ohio’s service not only in Northwest Ohio, but across the state.”

Brautigam has more than 30 years of experience in seed and crop production as a farmer, seed producer, certified crop consultant and agribusiness operator. He comes to AXIS Ohio after spending 11 years as regional sales manager for Thurston Genetics, a division of BASF, where he built the business in the Northeast U.S. and Canada. Brautigam says he is excited to once again work more closely with individual farmers at the field level.

“My mission has always been to help farmers improve their ROI (return on investment),” Brautigam says, “and that aligns perfectly with the mission of the AXIS Ohio team. I’m a Buckeye and I’m excited to be able to share what I’ve learned over the years with farmers here in my home state.”

Brautigam earned a degree in agricultural science from Ohio State University with a specialization in soils. After working for 10 years as a sales agronomist for crop retailers, he founded a regional seed company – Corn Belt Hybrids – in 1996 and merged that company with Stewart Seeds in 2006. During that time, he also served as a board member of IPSA and on its research committee.

“It starts with getting the right seed in the ground,” Brautigam says. “That has always been a very satisfying job for me. And now, with the current traits, technologies and biologicals – and new ones coming to market quickly – we have the opportunity to achieve higher yield potential on every hectare we farm.”

Brautigam grew up on a farm in Logan County near Indian Lake. He says he and his wife, Cyndi, are “blessed and grateful” to have two grown children and several young grandchildren. “I love helping farmers,” he smiles, “but there’s nothing like doing the ‘baby walk’ with one of those little ones to get them back to sleep.”

AXIS Ohio ( is an independent seed and crop protection company. At AXIS Ohio, we work closely with growers to match the best genetics and traits with their specific growing conditions and production strategies, then provide crop protection products that maximize the potential of each seed they plant. At AXIS Ohio, we strive to build long, mutually rewarding relationships with our customers and provide the best service in the industry. For detailed information on the varieties offered by Axis Ohio, visit

— AgPR

By Olivia

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