Scotland Primary School Students Reopen Huey Learning Center

A ribbon-cutting ceremony to reopen the Huey Learning Center in Wichita Falls was held on Tuesday.

The Huey Learning Center, located next to Scotland Park Elementary School, was destroyed in a severe storm over a year ago.

“About a year ago, a microburst went through the city, lifted the roof and caused it to fall down inside – it really wreaked havoc and destroyed the building,” said Keri Goins, executive director of Child Care Partners.

“We were able to salvage some things from the building that had been opened at another facility last year, but it took us a full year to get the insurance company to pay and get the building back to its original condition,” she said.

The center predates Scotland Park Elementary and has been a second home for the children of Scotland Park for over 40 years.

And although the children were initially sad after learning what had happened, the teachers were just grateful that it had happened that evening.

“When they came the next day, the kids were in tears,” Goins said. “The teachers were really scared. I mean, if something like that had happened during the day … they were just so grateful that it happened in the evening.”

The Huey Learning Center is almost finished, but unfortunately insurance couldn’t cover everything in the end.

The center still needs smaller items like toys for the children. Those who would like to donate can visit the Amazon wishlist under “Help Huey” or visit the website

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By Olivia

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