Outlander fans are torn about Jamie and Claire’s hairstyles in the final season

Photos leaked in recent days from the set of Outlander The eighth and final season is making the rounds, and fans have gotten a little taste of what might happen, including new looks for Jamie (Sam Heughan) and Claire (Caitriona Balfe).

Of course, they have aged since the events at the end of Season 7 and therefore look a little older than some of us would like. Since the age changes are reflected in their hairstyle, makeup and costume, some fans aren’t exactly thrilled or excited about the changes.

I think Claire’s transformation throughout the seasons has always been beautiful and elegant. She really is a character who has aged in such a brilliant way. Looking at the leaked photos, that seems to still be the case in season 8.

Jamie’s transformation, however, looks a little different. While Jamie’s hair is usually slicked back and tied in a ponytail, in the final season he lets it go free and wild. His hair seems to flow, with nothing holding it back.

Reddit users were quick to share their thoughts and opinions on these changes, with one fan commenting, “OMG Jamie’s half ponytail is driving me nuts.” However, the fan also said, “I adore Caitriona and Claire is amazing but why oh why does she look like a school teacher? The white hair doesn’t bother me, I mean that’s power but does she have to look old enough to be Jamie’s mom? When this is all over we’ll have to find out about the wigs.”

Other fans said they liked Claire’s hair and wanted to embrace her age with open arms.

It seems that many people feel that Claire was made to to old and looks more like Jamie’s mother than his wife. Maybe, just maybe, they went a little too far with the greying of the hair in the wig this time, but I don’t think it will distract us from the story or spoil it in any way.

Also, we have to remember that these are leaked photos and we don’t really know the context of the story, what’s going on and why there could be such a discrepancy between the two. Or maybe it’s a mistake by the makeup department. Whatever the case, I think the quality of the final season will depend on more than just the color of the wigs.

Tune in and watch the premiere of Outlander Season 7, Part 2 on November 22nd on STARZ.

Next. Outlander star Sam Heughan is pushing for a “different ending,” and fans may have figured out what it is. Outlander fans are keen observers, and it looks like they’ve figured out that Heughan is pushing for a… dark ending.

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h/t Daily recording

By Olivia

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