State funds for the repair of sewers – The current

Sends $200,000 to Hoving Home

The state Department of Environmental Protection announced Aug. 2 that it will provide $200,000 for a $1.3 million project to remove a flood-prone culvert that runs across the Hoving Home property along Snake Hill Road in Philipstown.

A view of the culvert from Avery Road looking east. Photo provided
A view of the culvert from Avery Road looking east (photo provided)

The project will remove three weirs and a masonry and concrete dam that hinder trout and eels and restore Philips Brook, said Beth Greco, president and CEO of Hoving Home, a Christian residential program for women recovering from drug and alcohol addiction.

Stone walls along the culvert and two brick pedestrian bridges – all damaged by storms in 2011 – also would be removed, she said. Construction is expected to begin in 2025.

The white-bordered elements would be removed as part of the project.
The white-bordered elements would be removed as part of the project.

The Hoving Home is raising money for the project. Donate by sending a check to PO Box 194, Garrison, NY 10524 or to and indicate that the funds are for the river restoration project.

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By Olivia

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