Repair work continues as the Milk River dries up


It was just over two months ago that a siphon break caused the Milk River in Montana to dry up.

Since then, the city of Milk River has been doing everything it can to get the problem under control.

Before it failed, the siphon diverted water from the St. Mary River to the Milk River.

Meanwhile, the flow rate of the river has dropped from over 17 cubic metres per second to less than one.

“We’re past the most critical period of high temperatures and low water levels,” said Tim Romanow, executive director of the Milk River Watershed Council of Canada. “For most of July, there was no natural water level and that was a pretty big issue for the water users – the town of Milk River and the water environment – to ensure survival.”

Water restrictions apply

The town of Milk River is currently under a Level 3 water restriction.

This prohibits non-essential water use and the sale of large quantities of water unless it is for domestic or livestock use.

The water shortage made the summer frustrating for the city.

“The city is trying to comply with the Stage 3 water restrictions that we have in place,” said Milk River Mayor Larry Liebelt. “We are pumping up standing water, but not enough to keep the lawns and gardens and trees and everything like that healthy.”

Siphon repair in progress

Repairs are currently underway on the St. Mary Siphon.

The Bureau of Reclamation in the US is overseeing the repair work and issued an update saying: “Replacement work is progressing apace, all existing siphon pipes have been removed, the inlet/outlet structures have been demolished, excavation for the new pipes is underway and is expected to be completed in the next few weeks.”

Repair work on the siphon could be completed as early as August 2025.

However, this means that Milk River and other nearby towns are likely facing another dry summer.

“Next spring could be very challenging. There are a lot of plans being drawn up right now, short-term and long-term, about how we will address the situation next spring,” Romanow said.

If groundwater extraction were stopped, the city of Milk River’s reservoirs would have enough water for seven months.

By Olivia

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