Ogden Wildlife Rehabilitation Center has difficulty reopening

OGDEN The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah is struggling to reopen months after being forced to move out of its longtime home.

The center was originally planned to open in the spring. There is still no date for reopening, and that means the center has to turn away people who find animals that need help.

“We’re almost done with the aesthetics,” says Buz Marthaler, co-founder of the Wildlife Rehabiliation Center of Northern Utah.

Marthaler said various building and fire codes are delaying the reopening, including having to go back to the city of Ogden about parking requirements and trying to avoid dismantling outdoor facilities to comply.

Buz Marthaler, co-founder of The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah spoke to KSL TV on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, and said the center is struggling to reopen, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. (Mike Anderson, KSL TV)

“If we don’t have that, it’s a burden for us because we’re talking about birds of prey,” Marthaler said. “You have to have something where you can bring them here and prepare them.”

No new animals

At the same time, it is hard to have to tell people that they cannot take in new animals, says Marthaler.

“It’s emotionally hard,” he said. “Because we know what’s going on out there and we see it. People are trying to contact us.”

Despite all the difficulties There is a glimmer of hope for the future.

Thanks to donors, the center recently purchased a property in Harrisville, the the final location of a permanent site for the center.

“I’d like to call it a dream come true,” Marthaler said. “But we’re not there yet. You know what? We’re still here and it tastes really good.”

And to advance this dream, Marthaler said they are looking for an architect to draw up some plans and may ultimately need about $2 million for construction.

By Olivia

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