Meet the CCHS Staff Member

Anna Walker is Central Catholic’s new campus chaplain. She plans retreats for students and staff and works with the core student campus chaplaincy team to plan Masses and prayer services. She also looks for ministry opportunities for students and keeps track of their ministry hours. More importantly, Anna creates a space where people can grow in their relationship with God and understand that they have a purpose.

Anna graduated from Catholic Central High School in Steubenville. In 2022, she earned a bachelor’s degree in communications with a concentration in film studies from Franciscan University. She served an 11-month mission in Australia where she led youth retreats and religious activities. After this experience, she prayed about what to do next and she felt it was God’s calling to continue her faith ministry.

“While I was in college, I could see myself going on missions and retreats,” Anna said. “In high school, I found out for myself that God had a plan for me and that I had a purpose. That knowledge helped me get through high school. I wanted to help others feel and get through high school the way I was helped, and that inspired me to go on missions and then come to Central Catholic. I want to help people realize that they absolutely deserve love and that they have a purpose and worth.

“When I met Principal Morgan Connors, she loved the way she talked about the students and the school and she was friendly and enthusiastic. Campus ministry is a big focus at Central Catholic. I also visited with students and the way they talked about Central Catholic and how fun and friendly they are was great. You can tell from the way the teachers talk about their students how much they really care about the mental health and future of the students. The teachers don’t pigeonhole the students and they have so much love for the students, it was an atmosphere I really wanted to be a part of. I prayed about it too and felt at peace with the decision to come and work at CCHS.”

Outside of work, Anna enjoys going to parks and beaches, reading, hiking, kayaking, watching TV, socializing, shopping for secondhand clothes, painting, pottery, exploring new places, and trying new things. One day she hopes to use her degree in film studies, but for now she knows Central Catholic is the place for her.

By Olivia

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