A heated debate erupts between fans of Eiichiro Oda and Masashi Kishimoto about which anime has the best supporting characters

Any anime or manga series is incomplete without supporting characters. These supporting characters are crucial to completing the narrative, supporting the protagonists, and building the series’ fanbase. Currently, the two anime series with the best supporting characters are Eiichiro Oda’s A piece and Masashi Kishimoto’s Naruto-san.

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura
Naruto Anime series | Photo credit: Studio Pierrot

While A piece Supporting characters are known for their exciting backstories and their development over the course of the plot, Naruto’s Supporting characters are known for their complexity and contribution to the main plot, so anime fans have always argued about which of the two anime series has the best supporting characters.

A similar debate took place between the two anime fandoms, where fans compared the supporting characters of Naruto And A pieceThis time the star of the debate was Mr. 2, also known as Bon Clay, the former agent of Baroque Works. Many A piece Fans believe that Bon Clay is better than almost all the supporting characters from Naruto.

Anime fans debate supporting characters from Naruto And A piece

The central story of every anime series revolves around the main character and how they move forward in life to achieve their desired goals. However, there are often some supporting characters that sometimes steal the show and build a fan base that could rival the protagonist. These supporting characters are memorable and while they may not be the star of the show, they become the star of its narrative.

In long-running anime series such as A piece And Narutothe list of supporting characters that are in the spotlight is quite long, so fans always compare them to find out which anime series is better.

One Piece has reached its final story arc
A piece | Photo credit: Toei Animation

In a recent debate Naruto And A piece Fans argued about different aspects of the supporting characters of their favorite shows, and one character reigned supreme.

In retrospect, it is not possible to say which anime has the best supporting character, as both series have different ranges. While Naruto Characters are more focused on a single thing, A piece has a different storyline with different story arcs. Thus, almost every minor character is developed according to that particular narrative.

Is Mr. 2 the best supporting character in anime?

Bon Clay first appeared during the Alabasta Saga, specifically during the Little Garden arc. Although he was initially an antagonistic character, as the series progressed he switched sides and became one of Luffy’s allies. His friendship with Luffy became so strong that he was willing to sacrifice himself for the protagonist.

about Clay and Luffy's reunion in One Piece Crunchyroll
Bon Clay and Luffy | Photo credit: Toei Animation

When Bon Clay switched to the good side, his lovable personality and development became so entertaining that fans started praising him. His humorous interactions with Luffy and other characters added a comedic element to the story, but his determination during the Impel Down arc made every A piece Fan scream.

And to the relief of fans, he survived despite sacrificing himself during the fight with Magellan and could make a comeback. A pieceHis return will be one of the most iconic moments in the final saga of A piece.

A piece is available on Crunchyroll and Naruto can be viewed on Hulu.

By Olivia

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