America’s Favorite Pastimes Revealed – The Tri-City Record

Americans spend more than five hours a day on leisure activities and hobbies, ranking second after sleep in the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics’ time budget survey for 2023. AP

Despite its importance, only 26% of respondents said that socializing is a hobby

Americans spend more than five hours a day on leisure activities and hobbies, ranking second after sleep in the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics’ 2023 Time Use Survey.

Although we all love our free time, we don’t spend it in the same way. Some pastimes are far more popular than others.

America’s most popular hobbies

A Statista survey of more than 60,000 Americans found out which hobbies we love most.

Discover something new to try as we explore Americans’ favorite pastimes.

Since respondents could choose several hobbies, the percentages were over 100.


Cooking and baking top the list of Americans’ favorite hobbies, with two in five respondents (41%) spending their free time in the kitchen.

Tiffany McCauley of The Gracious Pantry explains why she loves cooking so much. “Cooking is therapy for me,” she says. “Being able to shut out the world and all its problems, put on some music and just take 30 to 60 minutes to be creative with my food is just balm for my soul.”

McCauley adds that tasting her creations is an added bonus. “Ending up with a dish that tastes amazing is a whole new level of comfort, in addition to stress relief. The whole process is basically an escape with a delicious finale.”


Americans love to relax with a good book – 37% of respondents say reading is a pastime. Good reading comes in many forms and can transport audiences to new worlds, educate, motivate, enlighten and inspire.

Reading has invaluable benefits: it boosts creativity, reduces stress and provides much-needed stimulation as we age. In addition, increasing access to the internet and libraries means that for many people, reading costs little or nothing.


Spending time with pets is one of Americans’ favorite hobbies, with around 35% caring for their furry friends in their free time. These numbers are not surprising, as 95% of pet owners consider their pets to be family.

Handling animals is not just a fun hobby; exercise and training with a pet has a positive effect on the health and well-being of both animals and humans. Animals provide companionship, reduce stress, keep people active and stimulate the production of feel-good hormones such as oxytocin.

Video games

About a third of all Americans relax with their favorite video games.

Gaming offers a fantastic way to escape from real life. Gamers can be the hero one day and the evil villain the next. Some games promote important life skills such as team building, problem solving and improved concentration.

Outdoor activities

More than 30% of survey respondents said they enjoy being active outdoors. In 2019, the National Recreation and Parks Association surveyed people to find out what “outdoor activities” they prefer.

The survey found that most (58%) consider outdoor gatherings with family and friends – playing games, having a barbecue or having a picnic – to be their favorite outdoor activity. Nearly half (48%) said they enjoy going to the pool, while 45% said hiking was their favorite outdoor activity.


Almost a third of Americans spend their free time shopping.

Critics may say that shopping is not a hobby, but for many, activities that are relaxing are considered hobbies, and shopping is just the thing.

Unfortunately, uncontrolled shopping can lead to excessive spending.


About 29% cite travel as their favorite hobby, although this and other more expensive interests would likely attract more people if they weren’t so costly. According to a 2023 travel study, more than 50% of non-travelers say they can’t afford to travel or can’t take time off from work.

Traveling is a fantastic hobby because it allows us to visit destinations that are close to our hearts, learn about other cultures and experience the world from a new perspective.


About 25% of respondents say they enjoy doing arts and crafts and DIY activities such as sewing, woodworking, drawing, painting and other practical tasks in their free time.

Photography and writing scored so highly that they were given their own categories: 19% of respondents said they spend time on each of these activities.

Arts and crafts are ideal hobbies for people with little time, money or space. Anyone can start drawing with pencil and paper, crocheting with needle and yarn, or making papier-mâché artwork with old paper and flour.


Friendships are crucial for health and happiness. Studies show that people with active social lives are happier, healthier, and live longer than people who spend their time alone.

Despite the importance of this activity, only 26% of respondents said they considered socializing a hobby.

Board games

About 26% of respondents enjoy playing board games in their free time. Board games come in a variety of genres, including traditional games like Monopoly, single-player games like puzzles, collectible card games like Magic: The Gathering, and role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons.

Playing board games has many benefits, including education, cognitive enhancement in older adults, and relief of ADHD symptoms in children.

Other favorite activities

Americans enjoy a wide variety of activities, with about a fifth of survey respondents engaging in hobbies such as gardening, meditation, repairing old cars, fitness, photography and writing.

Health benefits of hobbies

Fulfilling hobbies are critical to health, happiness, and overall life satisfaction. Many of America’s most popular hobbies have well-documented effects on health and well-being. Hobbies generally reduce stress, decrease loneliness, and promote overall well-being.

There is no better time than now to start a new hobby and bring more joy into your life.

This article was created by Media Decision and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.

By Olivia

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