An independent Fed is better than the alternative – Kevin D. Williamson

A few years ago, Kate McKinnon had a pretty good sketch about Saturday Night Live called “What Still Works?” in which she “interviewed” a whole bunch of awful people – Marjorie Taylor Greene, a meme stock investor, etc. – to find out what, if anything, still works. At one point she spoke to Jack Dorsey (played by Mikey Day), then-CEO of Twitter:

Jack Dorsey: While we’re gathering opinions on what works, would you say my goatee works?

Kate McKinnon: It works when it comes to keeping me a lesbian.

Good sketch. And a good question too.

If I had to redesign the U.S. government from scratch, my hard little libertarian heart would not have wanted to include many of the things we have today, including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Federal Reserve. I opposed the bailouts of the financial sector in 2008 and still oppose similar programs.

Yet the question “what still works?” raises another important question – often the most important question: “Compared to what?” And one of the lessons of the 2008-09 financial crisis was that the FDIC and the Federal Reserve and many other similar institutions – however imperfect they may be, and however philosophically vexing their existence – work quite well. We could have done much worse during those years, and we could have done much worse during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Our European cousins ​​are no fools and villains, but they have struggled with inflation more than we have in recent years, in part because of their self-imposed vulnerability to energy shocks.

By Olivia

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