Andor actress thinks season 2 is better than season 1

In a recent interview Andor Actress Adria Arjona says she thinks season 2 is better than season 1 of the series. Of course, we don’t have a release date for season 2 yet to form our own opinion. However, the idea that season 2 could be better than season 1 is intoxicating. In my opinion and that of many star Wars Fans (not all) Andor was the best star Wars Live-action project since probably Return of the Jedi.

Arjona spoke with THR recently and in this interview she is causing a stir for Andor Season 2.

“Oh man, when I read the first season I had to pinch myself, and when I started reading the second season I thought, ‘(Tony Gilroy) can’t top (the first season).’ I thought again, ‘It’s not going to be as good.’ But it’s damned better. It’s so much better. It is,” Arjona emphasizes. “What he’s created and created is mind-blowing, and I can’t believe I got to be a part of it. He’s so talented, and he really outdid himself in the second season.”

RELATED: Diego Luna says fans will see Rogue One differently after watching Andor Season 2

I can’t wait to see what happens to some of these characters in Season 2. Some have a known fate, others are a mystery.

Arjona also personally praised Andor Creator/Showrunner Tony Gilroy.

“I have Tony Gilroy on speed dial. I don’t think anyone bothers the guy but me. I say, ‘Hey, Tony, do you think I should do this? Hey, Tony, how are you?’ And he says, ‘You’re calling again?’ (laughs.) I just have so much respect for him. He’s so talented and he really outdid himself in the second season.”

Sounds good to me. Unfortunately, I am convinced that this will be the last time Tony Gilroy will be in the star Wars Universe, or at least for a long time. If it were up to me, I’d give him the keys to tell more stories. I just don’t think Gilroy himself wants to do that.

What do you think of your comments as Andor Actress Adria Arjona thinks season 2 is better than season 1? As always, find her thoughts below.

By Olivia

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