Animal Services welcomes new director | News

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The County has appointed Vaughn Maurice as the new Director of Animal Welfare Services. Mr. Maurice brings to his new role extensive experience in animal welfare, strategic planning, business management, financial management and emergency response.

Vaughn Maurice is an experienced animal welfare professional known for his commitment to animal care and advocacy. Most recently, as Executive Director of Stanislaus Animal Services Agency, he led a successful initiative that increased animal placements by 10 percent year-over-year while reducing staff turnover – a testament to his effective leadership and commitment.

“In his previous role, Director Maurice excelled at building strong relationships and fostering a positive, inclusive culture characterized by collaboration and ethical behavior,” said Andrew Strong, interim deputy chief administrative officer. “We are confident that Vaughn’s unique blend of skills, experience and values ​​will be of tremendous value to Animal Services, the community we serve.”

Vaughn Maurice expressed his excitement about his new role and the opportunity to lead County Animal Services: “I am excited to join such a dedicated team and community, where everyone is working toward the common goal of ensuring every animal receives the care and compassion they deserve. Together, we can truly make a difference in the lives of our furry friends and strengthen the bond between pets and people.”

The county conducted an extensive nationwide recruitment effort for the position. Prior to Stanislaus Animal Services, Director Maurice also held key leadership positions with the Humane Society of Utah and the wildlife rescue organization WildCare, further solidifying his reputation as a leader in the animal welfare field.

By Olivia

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