App Store guidelines trigger backlash at Patreon

Patreon, the platform that gives creators the opportunity to build sustainable income through direct support from their fans, is at loggerheads with Apple over the tech giant’s strict app store policies.

At the heart of the latest App Store rules dispute is Apple’s requirement to process all transactions for iOS apps through the in-app purchasing system, a move Patreon argues undermines the company’s own developer-focused philosophy.

In a statement, Patreon said:

“Patreon exists so creators can do what they love for their biggest fans, and make money doing it on their own terms. Everything we build is designed to make both of those things easier for creators. For you.”

Despite Patreon’s commitment to transparency, control, and stability for its developers, the company now faces a November 2024 deadline to fully integrate Apple’s in-app purchases or risk being removed from the App Store.

This forced change has significant implications for creators using the platform. First, Apple will take 30% of all new memberships and store purchases made through the Patreon iOS app. Second, creators who currently bill on the first day of the month or per work will be forced to adopt a subscription-based model; the only option Apple’s system supports.

Patreon emphasizes that these changes will have no impact existing members, only those who sign up through the iOS app starting in November. However, for creatives accustomed to alternative billing approaches, this change represents a significant disruption to their established workflows.

To mitigate the impact of Apple’s 30 percent fee, Patreon has developed an optional tool that automatically increases prices within the iOS app to offset the costs. This ensures that creators continue to earn the same amount per membership, but the decision is ultimately theirs.

Patreon acknowledges the lack of ideal solutions and explains:

“Of course, none of these solutions are ideal. But remember that Apple’s fees only apply to the iOS app. Your prices on the web and in the Android app are completely unaffected.”

To facilitate the transition to subscription billing, Patreon has initiated a 16-month migration process with a deadline of November 2025. This includes the phasing out of the first of the month and per-work billing models, a step dictated by the timeline set by Apple.

Patreon actively supports creators throughout the process with a range of resources, including one-on-one assistance for those charging per work, community forums on Discord, and comprehensive FAQs.

“We didn’t choose this path, but we are focusing our resources on making subscription billing an even better experience for creators and fans,” Patreon emphasizes.

Patreon says it is committed to continued dialogue with Apple in hopes of finding a more creative solution. But even in court, previous attempts by other companies have had minimal success.

See also: Google: Third-party stores in the Play Store would cost over $61 million

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Keywords: App Store, Apple, iOS, Mobile, Patreon

By Olivia

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