Apple says apps “should be made by anyone,” but doesn’t accept applications from white and Asian men

Apple Entrepreneur Camp supports underrepresented founders and developers and encourages the development and longevity of these entrepreneurs in technology. Participants benefit from personalized code-level guidance, unparalleled access to Apple engineers and experts, and become part of the expanded global network of Apple Entrepreneur Camp alumni.

Applications are now possible for Female,* Black, Hispanic/Latin American and Indigenous founders and developers. And this year, we’re excited to bring back our in-person programs at Apple in Cupertino. For those who can’t attend in person, we’re still offering our entire program online. We welcome established entrepreneurs with app-based businesses to learn more about eligibility requirements and apply today.

Apply by September 3, 2024.

Apple’s Senior Director of Worldwide Developer Marketing, Esther Hare, talks about the Apple Entrepreneur Camp program and the need for more female and black developers in the community in a new interview. In an interview with Brazilian newspaper The globeHare believes that “coding needs to be accessible to everyone.” The Apple Entrepreneur Camp program has been around for several years and supports educational opportunities for black students, people of color, and women.

According to Apple, Apple Entrepreneur Camp supports underrepresented founders and developers “in developing the next generation of cutting-edge apps and helps build a global network that supports the development and longevity of these entrepreneurs in the technology space.”

In this interview, Esther Hare talks about how the pandemic has changed the way developers create new apps and also goes into detail about some Brazilian insights:

Last year in Brazil there were some coronavirus game initiatives that focused on health habits and hand washing to face this disease. Now there are many initiatives on mental health, the environment, global warming and food waste. I feel like the developers are thinking about how their business can have a positive impact on their families and communities.

Regarding the impact of the pandemic on women, Hare stresses that she has observed how “many women have started to focus on what they really want and are now focusing on remote work.”

“We have a program called Apple Entrepreneur Camp, where we create companies specifically founded and run by women. Our goal is to overcome systemic problems in the technology space, from learning to code to the early stages of starting a business and getting startups. Women face barriers at various levels that make it even more difficult for them.”

Apple’s senior director believes Apple Entrepreneur Camps are crucial for women and black people to join the developer community. “They bring in different realities and express their communities. We want to build apps for all people, so we need to make sure that everyone is able to build an app. We need to make sure that coding is accessible to all people.”

Hare emphasizes that to make these opportunities available to more people, they are relying on the Apple Developer Academy, which has over eight centers in Brazil. A few months ago, Apple also announced that it would expand the Apple Developer Academy program to other countries.

It is important that girls start coding earlier. Another important factor is the type of subjects that academies and colleges offer. There are subjects that are only for boys, so we have to consider the entire educational cycle.
When women overcome the learning barrier, they need money to start their company. Women receive less than 3% of all venture capital funding. And many think they’re not good enough. That’s kind of devastating because we really need to continue to build that confidence. That’s why programs that focus on women are so important.

Apple is one of the technology companies that has been committed to equality and increased diversity for quite some time. Last year, Apple allocated millions of dollars to create more academies and educational centers for women and black people.


Why is this reported in all other news reports but not in MacRumors?

By Olivia

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