Apple updates App Store terms to satisfy the European Commission

Apple changes its Digital Markets Act Compliance plan in response to the European CommissionAccusation that the company would harm competition on its App Store.

“We are introducing updated terms that will apply starting this fall to developers with apps on the App Store’s EU storefronts that use the StoreKit External Purchase Link Entitlement,” Apple said in a Thursday (August 8) Notice.

One of the key changes, according to the announcement, is that developers will be able to promote offers for purchases available at a destination of their choice, such as another app marketplace, app, or website.

“Developers can design and implement communication and promotion of offers within their apps,” the announcement continues. “This includes providing information about subscription pricing or other offers available both inside and outside the app, as well as providing explanations or instructions on how to subscribe to offers outside the application.”

Other key changes allow developers to use an actionable link that takes users to their destination, use any number of URLs, and provide links with parameters, redirects, and intermediate links to landing pages, the announcement said.

“To reflect the changes to these features, updated terms and conditions will be introduced for apps with permission for external purchase links,” the announcement said.

Apple said in the update that it made these changes in response to an announcement by the European Commission in June.

This announcement, in which the European Commission accused Apple of hindering competition in its App Store, was the first time that European Union Controller used new digital rules against a Big Tech company, PYMNTS reported by the time.

The allegations came as part of the EU’s efforts to enforce its Digital Markets Act, which aims to open up the market and create a level playing field for start-ups.

Among regulators’ biggest concerns were the restrictions Apple places on developers alerting their customers to promotions outside the App Store.

Margrethe Vestagerthe EU’s Executive Vice-President responsible for digital policy, said at the time: “The DMA is not an exaggerated demand. (It) is perfectly normal to demand a fair, open and contestable marketplace.”


By Olivia

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