Ashland Speaks: A Crashed Computer and Time to Reflect |

Yes, Judy’s hard drive crashed last week. Texting on the phone is one thing, but not a whole column. Thanks to Internet shopping and free shipping, we’re back in business. There are still a few problems to solve, like why everything just disappeared three times. I’m going to get it.

What a storm last Friday! Judy lost half of her peach tree, which wasn’t much compared to all the others who were without power for a few days. Hopefully, you didn’t lose a lot of food in your fridge and freezer. Luckily, the rain came in bursts, so the basement flooding was minimal.

The Ashland for Cancer car show was very well attended with around 204 cars.

The WAJ alumni dinner was not so well attended. Too bad you missed a great talk by Barbara Tolley, who was celebrating her 80th anniversary, and Fred (Ferdinand or Sonny) LeBrun, who I believe graduated in 1959 along with Arlene Pousant MacDonald and Joan Oliver Mead.

Many who attended Al Anderson Jr.’s funeral reminisced about their old teachers at WAJ and the antics of Mr. Bob Ferris and Mr. Stanley Christman. I have met several who still cannot speak to Bob without cringing. I think he is a very nice person.

The members of the Jewett Fire Department would like to thank everyone who participated in the chicken roast. The weather cooperated and it was dry until everyone got home. Next year it will be on August 16th so plan ahead.

Don’t forget to support the Greek Festival this weekend. Judy loves gyros and lamb shank.


Since I was without power for a long time, I couldn’t do anything but think. I was watching the Olympics and got to thinking about it. Did you know that the five rings each correspond to a continent? Blue represents Oceania, green represents Europe, black represents Africa, red represents the Americas and yellow represents Asia. They also represent nations around the world, as every country has at least one of these five colors in its flag.

I thought back to when I went to school and we had a huge field where the parking lot is now. We had the big baseball field, a smaller one (where the girls played), a huge soccer field in the back, and a high jump facility in the back corner. The distance around the field was just under a mile, so we could run a mile to warm up.

In June there was a sports festival day where we competed class against class in age-appropriate activities.

We played a lot of baseball, softball, and archery (not my strong suit), indoor gymnastics, and outdoor track and field, shot put, discus, and high jump. Before we continued with the drills, there was an awards ceremony where we received athletic accolades, and the biggest accomplishment was our WAJ patch for our letter sweater.

Personally, I wasn’t that good at sports, but I played soccer. I was always a goalkeeper.

By Olivia

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