Better East Texas: Clarity and Truth

TYLER, Texas (KLTV) – With about seventy days left until the election, not a day goes by that rhetoric between the Harris and Trump camps is not in focus.

And in fact, neither side seems to have the country’s best interests in mind, at least not in the current election campaign. Vice President Harris is following Biden’s strategy and largely avoiding interviews, so her communication is mainly one-sided and scripted. Former President Trump continues to focus on many unrelated topics. If both sides worked to meet voters where they need it – on the issues and their concrete plans to improve our country – everything would be better for us.

And then there’s the influence of social media. Not a day goes by that we don’t see false and manipulated content from truly dubious news sources. And yet people still repost and share it. We see posts that start with words like “I bet you won’t see this on network X or media Y,” and that’s generally true, because content and images are so manipulated these days that their veracity can no longer be verified.

As a trusted local source, we are faced with tons of content – images and even videos – that need to be verified for authenticity. We see posts about missing people in the area, businesses and customer experiences, and this time of year, school situations. No matter where you get your news from, consider everything as a form of validation and reinforcement, and always ask yourself if that source is trustworthy.

By Olivia

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