Better than BMI? 3D body scanner uses AI to measure metabolic health

Researchers have found that an unexpected combination – artificial intelligence (AI) and a 3D body scanner originally used to design clothes – can assess a person’s metabolism and identify significant risks for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other adverse outcomes. In fact, the technique could prove more accurate than knowing a person’s body mass index (BMI) or waist-to-hip ratio.

A team of researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, made the discovery and shared their results in European Heart Journal – Digital Health.(1)

The group began training and validating an advanced AI model using data from nearly 1,300 people who volunteered to step into a 3D body volume scanner and then undergo a series of tests and measurements. The scanner in question was originally used to help design and size garments.

A further 133 volunteers provided front and side view images taken with the myBVI mobile app to further explore the potential of the new technology.

Overall, the AI-powered body scanner was confirmed to be more accurate at identifying people who may be at higher risk for metabolic syndrome than BMI or waist-to-hip ratio, and delivered an “excellent performance” when the technique was validated using images taken using the myBVI mobile app.

By Olivia

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