Bloody hair transplant causes chaos on Miami flight

Just when you thought you’d seen it all in the aviation industry, Eugenio Ernesto Hernandez-Garnier shows up with his damn hair transplant head.

According to Local 10 in Miami, Hernandez-Garnier and his traveling companion, Yusleydis Blanca Loyola, were on a flight back to Las Vegas on American Airlines on Tuesday when flight crew told the man with the hair transplant that he needed to do something about his bleeding scalp.

He was asked to wipe up the blood and change his bandages, but he said he didn’t have any clean bandages,” Local 10 reports. The instructions were ignored, however, and then Ms. Loyola began recording.

This total pain in the ass told the police: “If you can’t fly, no one can either.”

Let’s go to the cabin to see what happened:

Get off the plane, you losers. Get off that plane with your bloody head and your Oscar-worthy screams so these poor people can fly to Vegas to blow their money or go home to their peaceful lives.

What did the hair transplant type look like before the bloody hair transplant?

I’m glad you asked. The Daily Mail tracked down Yuli’s Facebook page and by the looks of it, Eugenio had pretty decent hair in 2022.

This guy had too much hair to be famous on the internet for a bloody mugshot after a hair transplant.

By Olivia

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