Book dump at New College proves Florida is not a “free state”

Shame on New College for throwing away books

This is Free Florida at its worst. Shame on New College of Florida for sending hundreds of books, many on LGBTQ and women’s issues, from the now-defunct Gender and Diversity Center to a landfill.

A spokesperson for the college offered a variety of excuses, claiming that the disposal of the books was part of the university library’s usual clean-out process and that Florida state law prohibits the college from donating the books to other government agencies or private nonprofit organizations or selling them publicly.

Dissenting votes: New College of Florida faculty chair, board representative leaves company

The students were not informed about the destruction of the books, although the news spread shortly before the dumpster arrived and some books were saved by students and teachers.

The university administration tried to keep the destruction of the books secret because they didn’t want anyone to have access to them. Books are knowledge – and when your government decides to deny that knowledge by destroying the books, it’s a warning sign that your government is heading in a frightening direction.

A free Florida indeed.

Dan M. Warren, Sarasota


New College of Florida throws away hundreds of LGBTQ+ books from the library

New College of Florida has sent hundreds of books from the school’s library and Gender and Diversity Center to a landfill. Video provided by Zander Moricz.

Politicians in Florida hope to drive away those in need

After reading Nate Monroe’s column “Court exposes heartless treatment of Gulf Coast residents” on August 12, I was so appalled that I felt it necessary to respond.

This appears to be a pattern in the state of Florida, making it difficult for people to get the help they need to survive.

I also remember how difficult the state makes it for people who have lost their jobs to file for unemployment benefits. It seems as though those in power are trying to drive unfortunate souls out of Florida so they don’t become a “burden” to the state.

I find it distasteful that Florida lawmakers appear to have the money and resources to fight the court battles they have created instead of using some of it to benefit their own citizens.

Otto Tufenkjian, Sarasota

The “F-word” could offend overweight voters

Former President Donald Trump made a big mistake during a recent campaign visit to Montana.

In his attack on Montana Democratic Senator Jon Tester, Trump spent part of his tirade mentioning Tester’s weight.

He said Tester was very, very fat. Big mistake.

More than 100 million adults in America are obese. They may describe themselves as “chubby,” “pleasantly plump,” or “slightly overweight.” They rarely describe themselves as “fat.”

Trump’s use of the “F-word” could prove costly.

Lawrence Bagnoli, Sarasota

Write to us: How to send a letter to the editor

By Olivia

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