Calgary teams determine locations for water main repairs

The City of Calgary is preparing for repairs to the Bearspaw main drainage line, which are scheduled to begin later this month.

The city will make urgent repairs to the water main after a pipe diver analysis revealed 16 new spots that need to be repaired.

More detailed information on the areas likely to be affected by construction in Bowness and Montgomery is expected to be released on Thursday as workers are still finalizing the locations of repair sites.

“Crews will be on site this Thursday to mark exactly where the main line and other utilities are located. This will take a few days,” said Michael Thompson, general manager of infrastructure services for the City of Calgary, on Tuesday.

“Alberta One-Call teams will also be in these areas to mark underground infrastructure by painting lines and placing small flags in the ground where the infrastructure is located.”

The main construction work will begin on August 28 and will continue around the clock until completed, the city said.

For Calgary residents, Level 4 outdoor water restrictions will again apply from August 26 to approximately September 23.

Until then, Level 1 restrictions will continue to apply in the city.

Residents are encouraged to prepare their gardens and plants for a return to stricter outdoor watering restrictions, while continuing to follow current Phase 1 watering rules.

“You can continue to water gardens, trees and shrubs with a hose connected to a spray gun or use a drip irrigation system with an automatic shut-off,” said Rehana Rajabali, the city’s director of environmental planning and policy.

“You can also use this time to make sure that not only the tree itself, but also the soil around your tree is well watered. Adding a layer of mulch will also help limit water loss through evaporation.”

Sprinklers and in-ground sprinkler systems may continue to be used according to the Stage 1 sprinkler irrigation plan through August 26.

Residents are also encouraged to prepare rain barrels in advance so they are filled and ready for outdoor watering before new restrictions come into effect.

Calgary residents will be able to do their laundry indoors for the next few weeks.

On June 5, the main line ruptured, prompting weeks of indoor water reduction measures and outdoor water restrictions. Repairs, including work on five hotspots along the main line, were completed on June 25.

While crews worked to stabilize the infrastructure and restore the line to full capacity, water restrictions remained in place.

By Olivia

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