Central Texas woman sets up free library in front yard to provide community with books

LACY LAKEVIEW, Texas (KWTX) – A Central Texas woman who says books were her source of happiness as a child wants to make sure people in her community have access to books, so she’s created a free library in her front yard.

Lindsay Porter applied and was awarded the contract for the first “Little Free Library” in Lacy Lakeview.

Little Free Library is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to building community, inspiring readers, and providing access to books for all through 24/7 book exchange boxes.

Lindsay said her love of reading inspired her.

“I started my Little Free Library because I have loved books since I was a child,” she said. “I was a very shy little girl and didn’t have many friends, and books were my friends.”

(Photos courtesy)

There are more than 175,000 Little Free Libraries in 121 countries around the world. There are about 50 in Central Texas, but Lindsay couldn’t find one in Lacy Lakeview.

She found the perfect box to use as a box for her library at her workplace, where she works as an assistant manager at Golden’s Book Exchange in Waco.

“When the classifieds department went out of business, we had one of those little bins that they keep the newspapers in, and I thought, ‘I’ll take this home.’ My husband helped me paint it like a little ladybug. Now it’s our little free library,” Lindsay said.

(Photos courtesy)

Lindsay finds books to put out there wherever she can, often through her work at Golden’s Book Exchange.

“It’s a mix of children’s, young adult and adult literature,” she said. “I also try to include some graphic novels.”

You can log on to to find Lindsay’s library or one near you.

By Olivia

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