Chef K from the Kardashians talks about her delicious hair smoothie for spoiled kids

Khristianne Uy, aka Chef K, is making it easy to live by the motto “you are what you eat” with her new collaboration with Spoiled Child. The Los Angeles-based culinary artist — whose clients include the Kardashians, Ryan Seacrest, Salma Hayek and Charlize Theron — has teamed up with the popular haircare brand to create a smoothie recipe that will make growing out your locks taste so good.

The recipe, which Chef K has dubbed “liquid gold,” includes two tablespoons of the brand’s E27 Extra Strength Liquid Collagen, which is rich in vitamin C and hyaluronic acid and promotes plump skin and healthy hair. Chef K combines the liquid collagen with bananas, fresh mango, an orange, bee pollen, honey, turmeric, ginger, and milk. The creation is paired with a charcoal coconut swirl base that includes charcoal powder, coconut yogurt, coconut cream, and avocado. It’s topped off with a coconut yogurt chia swirl that includes coconut yogurt, honey, and chia. (Scroll down for detailed instructions and a full ingredient list.)

Ashley Aufderheide

Chef K — who has been an avid Spoiled Child user for some time and credits the brand for restoring fullness to her once “thinning” hair — explained that she was very intentional when choosing ingredients. Mango was a no-brainer as the fruit is “popular” with her core clients, and charcoal offered the perfect “edgy” contrast, reflecting the essence of her own “pretty much all-black” aesthetic. Additionally, Chef K explained that charcoal has detoxifying properties, and combined with the gut-healthy properties of the liquid collagen and probiotic yogurt, the drink is extremely beneficial. “I packed a lot into one sip,” Chef K joked to StyleCaster, adding that the chia seeds add “texture and crunch.”

E27 Extra Strength Liquid Collagen

Healthy skin and hair are particularly important to Chef K – in her decades-long career, she has acquired extensive knowledge about food and its effects on the body. In addition, the many hours spent in the kitchen in front of the stove or oven have shown her how important good nutrition is. “The first thing I do when I wake up is drink water and take a large portion of collagen. I wash my face and always apply a facial toner. I attach great importance to vitamins. I take vitamin D, B, C and omega-3 fatty acids every day.”

“People don’t realize how good omegas are for skin,” Chef K explained. She went on to recommend good fats like sweet potatoes for glowing skin, olive oil for detoxification and dark berries that can help reduce signs of aging. “The darker the better,” she said. As for foods that aren’t so good for skin, Chef K named white rice, processed foods like chips and dairy.

Other helpful tips she’s learned from her celebrity clients: “Sunscreen. Sunscreen. Sunscreen. I can’t stress this enough. I love the sun, but it’s not moisturizing and I’ve learned from my clients that it’s crucial and to change your pillowcases often.”

Chef K’s pampered kids smoothie


  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 1 cup fresh mango
  • 2 teaspoons bee pollen
  • 2 tablespoons of SpoiledChild Mango Collagen
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 small orange peeled and cored
  • 1 inch fresh turmeric root, peeled
  • 1 inch fresh ginger root, peeled
  • 1 cup of your favorite milk (I like almond or oat milk)

** Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend until the consistency is smooth and creamy. If you like it a little more intense, you can continue with the next two layers, which will also amplify the benefits of the mango base layer.

Coconut swirls in charcoal

  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 tbsp activated carbon powder
  • 3 tbsp coconut yoghurt
  • 3 tbsp coconut cream
  • ¼ cup oat milk
  • 1 tbsp Spoiled Child Mango Collagen
  • ½ avocado


  • 1/2 cup coconut yoghurt
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 2 tbsp chia


  • Get 2 16oz glasses
  • Stir the coconut chia
  • Pour the charcoal smoothie mix along the sides
  • Pour in the mango collagen base
  • Top with a dollop of coconut-chia mix
  • Garnish with bee pollen and honeycomb

By Olivia

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