Chicken and egg numbers increased in Ohio


Egg production in Ohio in July up 10 percent year-on-year

According to Ben Torrance, state statistician, USDA NASS, Ohio Field Office, egg production in Ohio totaled 1.09 billion eggs in July, up 10 percent from the previous year. (Brando, Flickr/Creative Commons)

EAST LANSING, Michigan — According to Ben Torrance, statistician for the U.S. Department of Agriculture NASS, Ohio Field Office, a total of 42.4 million laying hens were produced in Ohio in July, up 6 percent from the previous year. Egg production totaled 1.09 billion eggs, up 10 percent from the previous year. The laying rate in Ohio in July was 2,581 eggs per 100 laying hens.

United States egg production in July 2024 was 9.06 billion, a decrease of 2 percent from the previous year. Production included 7.76 billion table eggs and 1.30 billion hatching eggs, of which 1.20 billion were broiler eggs and 99.0 million eggs were hens. The average number of laying hens in July 2024 was 370 million, a decrease of 3 percent from the previous year. Egg production per 100 laying hens in July was 2,451 eggs, a slight increase from July 2023.

The total number of laying hens in the United States on August 1, 2024, was 369 million, down 3 percent from the previous year. Of the 369 million laying hens, 304 million produced eggs for consumption or market, 61.5 million eggs for broiler hatching, and 3.76 million eggs for egg hatching. The daily laying rate averaged 79.0 eggs per 100 laying hens on August 1, 2024, a slight increase from August 1, 2023.

On August 1, 2024, there were a total of 24.8 million turkey eggs in incubators in the United States, down 9 percent from August 1, 2023. In July 2024, a total of 20.3 million turkey chicks hatched in the United States, down 10 percent from July 2023. The 20.2 million net chicks placed in the United States in July 2024 were down 10 percent from the same month last year.

The full report can be found here.

— USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service

By Olivia

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