Chico nurses at Enloe Medical Center stage patient safety information strike

RNs Demand Management addresses recruitment and retention issues as well as staffing issues

Registered nurses at Enloe Medical Center in Chico, Calif., will hold an informational vigil on Aug. 28 to raise awareness of their patient safety concerns, including the recruitment and retention of experienced nurses, the need for workers’ compensation insurance and their commitment to natural disaster preparedness, the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United (CNA/NNU) announced today.

“As nurses who dedicate their professional lives to caring for our patients and the community, we are deeply concerned about management’s reluctance to address our need for a designated break cover nurse in all departments that care for patients,” said Lisa Ceynowa, a registered nurse in the medical neurology department. “We work 12-hour shifts and need a nurse who can step in to give us a break and care exclusively for our patients during that time. If there is no designated break cover nurse, nurses may have to leave their patients in the hands of a busy colleague or work without a break, sacrificing their own well-being. Nurses have a right to time to rest, recover and recharge so they can continue to provide the best care possible to their patients.”

  • WHO:Registered Nurses at Enloe Medical Center
  • What:Information strike for patient safety
  • When:Wed, August 28, 2024, 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Where:Enloe Medical Center, 1531 Esplanade, Chico, California, near the entrance

Nurses say the hospital must also address the need to recruit and retain experienced nurses, who play a critical role in training younger nurses.

“We have seen over the years that new nurses come to Enloe to gain experience, but far too often they leave after a year or two,” said Kelsey Norton, a registered nurse in the radiology department. “We welcome new nurses, but it is important that they are mentored by experienced nurses with years of experience. A balance of skills and experience is critical in any department and necessary if we are to provide the best care possible to our patients.”

The nurses are asking the hospital to address these issues as part of their new contract. Negotiations with the nurses will begin in December 2023.

CNA represents nearly 1,100 nurses at Enloe Medical Center.

By Olivia

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