City of Appleton receives grant to repair Esancy Road

APPLETON — The city of Appleton will receive a $200,000 grant to repair Esancy Road. The engineering study, which was funded with federal money, served as the basis for a grant application to the Maine Department of Transportation. Taxpayers will pay $15,000 of the total repair cost and the work will be awarded through a competitive bidding process, the Appleton Select Board said in a news release.

This is the board’s third successful grant application to support city infrastructure in 2024. Land For Maine’s Future has provided $4,250 for signage at the city’s newly acquired Getchell Park on Sleepy Hollow Road. An appointed committee is reviewing signage and boat launch designs for that area.

Appleton received $50,000 from the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and Futures in June to install heat pumps and LED lighting at City Hall and the fire station, ensuring cleaner energy and lower utility bills for the City of Appleton in the coming years.

“Investing in Appleton’s infrastructure and leveraging federal and state funds to make necessary repairs and upgrades will help reduce the burden on property tax bills,” the board said.

For more information, please attend Appleton Select Board meetings or listen via Zoom.

By Olivia

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