Clean beauty advocate sends open letter to FDA commissioner about toxic hair straighteners

The president of the Clean Beauty Action Network is calling on the FDA to ban toxic hair straighteners, including formaldehyde.


Daphne Nguyen, founder and president of the Clean Beauty Action Network (CBAN), has written an open letter to FDA Commissioner Robert Califf urging him to follow through on the agency’s promise to ban toxic hair straighteners.

The open letter reads as follows:

“Dear Commissioner Califf,

I am writing to ask you to immediately prioritize the FDA rulemaking process on the use of formaldehyde in hair relaxers. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen, and a draft rule is reportedly in the works to ban this chemical in these products.

The title and summary of the proposed rule are listed on under Regulation Identifier Number (RIN) #0910-AI83, “Use of formaldehyde and formaldehyde-releasing chemicals as an ingredient in hair straightening or hair relaxing products.”

In October 2023, the New York Times reported that the text of the proposed rule would be released this spring. There was a lot of positive press about this upcoming development, but for some reason the proposed rule has languished. The draft rule was originally scheduled to be released in April with a Notice of Proposed Rule “(NPRM for 04/00/24).” This would have initiated a public comment process that would then lead to a schedule for further reviews that would result in the release of a final rule. But April is now over, and it appears that the rulemaking process is not moving forward. FDA legal experts say it is unlikely that it will even happen this calendar year.

The big picture here is that most consumers don’t realize that the cosmetics and beauty products we use don’t have to be tested for safety. People are rightly shocked and appalled to find that our personal care products contain formaldehyde, asbestos, and other toxic chemicals and carcinogens. It makes no sense that products we trustingly put on our bodies don’t have to be tested and verified for safety. Instead, they go through lengthy processes like this.

I am writing to you as the founder and president of the Clean Beauty Action Network. CBAN is a youth-led, grassroots nonprofit organization that empowers our generation through scientific research, public education and advocacy to lead the transformation of the beauty industry into a safer, greener and more ethical landscape. Our mission is to promote clean beauty – safe for people and safe for the planet.

Commissioner Califf, we assume that as a physician you are aware of the health risks of formaldehyde exposure, but you may not be aware of the delays in drafting this regulation. Unfortunately, there is no pause button on cancer, so please use your position to end this bureaucratic delay.

Your leadership can reshape the future of beauty products for generations to come.

“Daphne Nguyen”


Photo: Tada Images/Shutterstock

By Olivia

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