Compare Mayfield City School District students with other private schools

Here you can see how the test scores of Mayfield City School District students compare to their peers at private schools with state education vouchers.

Grades 3-8

For private school students with education vouchers living in the Mayfield City School District during the 2022-2023 school year, 24 students in grades 3-8 took tests in English and math. The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce did not release results for science. Either no tests were administered or there were fewer than 10. If fewer than 10 students take the tests, it is to protect student privacy. Private schools can administer Ohio’s state tests or over three dozen alternative assessments.

-41.7% had good English skills

-62.5% were competent in mathematics

-N/A were competent in science

The Mayfield City School District and all public schools require all students to take tests. The Mayfield City School District had an enrollment of 4,266 students. The district’s average scores in grades 3 through 8 on the Ohio state tests, with science testing administered only in grades 5 and 8, were as follows:

-77.8% had good English skills

-68.6% were competent in mathematics

-73.6% were competent in science

Secondary school

The Ohio Department of Education and Employment Services has not released test results from high school students with vouchers to allow comparison with public school students. Either no tests were administered or there were fewer than 10. The Ohio Department of Education and Employment Services masks data results when fewer than 10 students were tested to protect student privacy.

By Olivia

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