“Constellations” at the Ancram Center for the Arts

by Macey Levin

Although they live in London, Roland and Mary live in two different worlds. He, a beekeeper, is rooted in his earthbound, everyday work, while she is a theoretical physicist studying the cosmological theories of the universe. They are the only two characters in Nick Payne’s Constellations is currently captivating audiences with an outstanding production at the Ancram Center for the Arts in Ancram, New York.

The couple meet at a barbecue and begin a romantic relationship. They move in together but split up after each confesses to infidelity. Some time later, they meet at a ballroom dancing class and renew their relationship. The plot is complemented by thematic elements that explore the options they choose, consciously or accidentally. The play moves back and forth in time, exploring in a fittingly disjointed way how choices affect them as individuals and as a couple in love.

The performances of Drew Ledbetter and Andrus Nichols are compelling. Roland and Mary make an appealing couple; as their characters develop, the playwright uses flashbacks that allow the actors’ personalities to change in an instant. Their focus and timing elicit laughter and empathy. The couple’s fluid and intense performances are supported by British accents that seem genuine and consistent.

The production is a technical marvel. Sarah Edkins’ design is dominated by a white background that frames imaginary symbols of theoretical concepts that appear and disappear. This adds to the mood of the show, as does Brendan F. Doyle’s sound design, which underscores virtually every second of the production. It is not intrusive, but it allows the audience to feel every moment as it complements the tone of a single scene. Various individual sounds initiate and sustain the pace of the piece. Evan Anderson’s lighting is impressive. His use of color, shadow, darkness and brilliance gives the production body. All of these elements create a dynamic theatrical experience.

The direction of Jeffrey Mousseau, one of the co-founders of the Ancram Center, fulfills the playwright Payne’s intentions. Although it is an intellectually focused piece, the emotional range he brings to each character captures the audience’s attention. The kinetic staging fills an empty stage with movement as the actors lie on the floor, literally and dramatically dancing around each other, opening each scene in different poses. The tender moments are touching. Every gesture says something. Mousseau’s work is a lesson in sensitive and intuitive directing.

The Ancram Center offers a variety of programs, many of which are community-focused. This production of Constellations is representative of the artistic level that characterizes the company in all its endeavors.

Constellations by Nick Payne; Director: Jeffrey Mousseau; Cast: Drew Ledbetter (Roland) Andrus Nichols (Mary); Set design: Sarah Edkins; Lighting design: Evan Anderson; Sound design: Brendan f. Doyle; Costume design: Jaysen Engel; Voice and dialect coach: Paul Ricciardi; Production manager: Ruth Moe; Stage manager: Hannah Schiffer; Running time: 65 minutes, no interval; August 16-25; Ancram Center for the Arts, 1330 County Route 7, Ancram, NY, 12502, USA (518) 329-0114 [email protected]

By Olivia

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