Davis Education Foundation opens new residential center for youth

LAYTON, Utah – The Davis Education Foundation is opening a new youth residential center in Layton to help homeless students.

The foundation’s executive director, Jodi Lunt, said hundreds of students in the Davis school district are struggling with unstable living conditions.

“They tend to sleep on couches or in sheds. They may be in their cars… These young people need a safe place to lay their heads at night. They need a great place to start learning life skills, have a steady job and a place to do their homework,” she said.

Lunt thanked the community for inspiring the three-year project. If a teacher, counselor or family turns to the Davis Education Foundation for help, the day centers are available to them. However, these only provide temporary assistance.

“A community member acknowledged our work with the youth day service centers and asked the open question: ‘But where do the most vulnerable of these young people sleep at night?'”

Starting in mid-September, the new facility on N Fort Lane will be ready to serve Davis School District students.

Related: Bonneville High School opens new youth center to help students in crisis situations

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By Olivia

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