Democrats push for cheap housing for illegal immigrants

Democratic politicians across the country are trying to place many illegal immigrants in apartments and homes that would otherwise go to young Americans.

In California, Democrats in the state legislature have passed a law that would provide home-buying tax breaks to illegal immigrants who pass through weak border controls.

“When undocumented people are excluded from such (home-buying) programs, they miss a critical opportunity to achieve financial security and personal stability for themselves and their families,” said the sponsor, Rep. Joaquin Arambula, a Democrat with a large and poor Latino constituency in the Fresno Valley.

These benefits will drive up housing costs for Americans – and make life harder for the 85 percent of American-born California families who earn less than about $80,000 a year and spend more than 30 percent of their income on housing, according to a pro-migrant advocacy group.

In Canada, the government’s mass immigration policy is preventing many young Canadians from owning their own homes, leading to a decline in the birth rate, an explosion in Canada’s homelessness and a shift in enormous wealth to older investors. Many young people will lose the wealth their parents gained in retirement by owning a home, Canada’s pro-immigration Prime Minister Justin Trudeau admitted in July.

In Oregon, Democrats funded a developer that offers $30,000 to foreign homebuyers who are not American citizens, despite a federal law prohibiting discrimination against Americans.

“UNREAL,” responded Rep. Ed Diehl, a GOP lawmaker in Oregon. The government contractor “uses taxpayer money to give illegal immigrants $30,000 grants to buy homes in Oregon. American citizens aren’t even allowed to apply,” he said. tweetedHe posted on Facebook: “American citizens in Oregon are struggling to find and buy a home. We have a severe housing shortage in this state. I am appalled that Oregonians’ hard-earned, limited tax dollars are being used to enable certain non-US citizens to purchase a home.”

In presidential politics, Kamala Harris is promoting an “opportunity economy” in which first-time home buyers would receive assistance of around $25,000. On August 16, she stated:

We also know that as housing prices have risen, so have down payments. Even prospective homeowners save for years, but often it’s still not enough. So while we work on the housing shortage, my administration will provide first-time buyers with an additional $25,000 to help make the down payment on a new home.

“Kamala Harris wants to give illegal immigrants $25,000 so they can buy American homes,” Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance responded in a tweet from August 16adding, “This will only further exacerbate the housing shortage in our country. It’s a disgrace. We should be making it easier and more affordable for American citizens to own a home.” countered the tweet: “Because we have not seen any concrete details from Vance’s team showing that Harris’ proposal would benefit immigrants living in the country illegally, we believe his claim is false.” So far, however, the Harris team has not denied that the subsidies benefit illegal immigrants. That denial is unlikely, in part because Democrats are determined to change the United States through migration and publicly celebrate illegal immigrants as Americans.

“No nation, no society has ever tried to build a democracy as large and as diverse as ours, a democracy that includes people who have come from every corner of the world over decades,” former President Barack Obama said at the Democratic National Convention. “The rest of the world is watching to see if we can actually do it,” Obama added.

Since 2021, President Joe Biden’s surrogates have admitted about 10 million legal, illegal and quasi-legal migrants. This enormous influx equates to about three migrants for every four American births.

In many cities and states, Democrats are also providing rental subsidies to help illegal immigrants settle into the United States.

This welcoming of illegal immigrants has dramatically increased the cost of renting and buying homes for tens of millions of young Americans. Since 2020, they have had to compete with the rapidly growing number of illegal immigrants for the limited supply of real estate and good housing.

The administration’s unpopular pro-immigration and population-boosting policies are a massive gift from the state to Wall Street investors – and also an electoral problem for Democratic politicians, including Harris.

In contrast, Republicans promise to help Americans by reducing the influx of migrants.

“Housing costs are exploding, they’re exploding because we have 15 million new immigrants,” former President Donald Trump said in a speech in Arizona in June. “We don’t have any room to house them, and that number is growing so that we have absolutely no room left.”

According to, Vance has been outspoken on the housing issue during his time in the Senate:

“The places in our own communities and states that have the highest immigration rates are the places that have the highest housing prices,” Vance said during his speech (in July). “It’s not a problem of correlation or causality. If you look at city zone by city zone or parcel by parcel, you can see that where there is more immigration, housing prices are higher.”

But many GOP politicians ignore the issue, in part because they receive strong support from the real estate industry.

In Texas, for example, the Republican-dominated government has largely ignored a huge housing project for illegal immigrants. Colony Ridge is already home to 75,000 immigrants, says Todd Bensman, a migration expert at the Center for Immigration Studies.

By Olivia

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