Disinformation expert gives three security tips in a time of fake news and shady influencers

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Social networks have revolutionized the way we communicate, stay informed and share moments of our daily lives. We use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok to stay in touch with our friends and family, share our experiences, get informed and express our opinions.

But beyond these personal and often superficial uses, social networks play a much more complex and sometimes disturbing role in society. The question arises: what impact do social networks have on societal security risks? How can these tools influence or even destabilize society? And how can individual users mitigate the risks?

Societal security risks refer to threats that can undermine the social fabric and stability of a community or nation. These risks often arise from problems such as political instability, economic inequality, social unrest, or mass migration. For example, widespread unemployment can lead to social unrest and threaten societal stability. A more concrete example is the spread of misinformation and disinformation. Misinformation is the unintentional spread of untruths, while disinformation is the calculated spread of lies with the intent to deceive.

False information circulating through social media and other channels can polarize societies, undermine trust in institutions, and incite violence or discrimination.

I study interactions within organizations, focusing on the impact of new technologies and human dynamics. In a recent article, I tried to answer these questions about the risks posed by social networks. To do so, I analyzed different aspects of the interactions between social networks and public safety. In short, I concluded that the societal security risk posed by social networks is complex, multifaceted and dynamic. It requires continuous research, careful regulation and, most importantly, that all users learn to critically understand and navigate digital environments.

Here are three tips that can help individual users minimize the risks of social networking without sacrificing the benefits:

  • Build your digital skills
  • Avoid algorithmic traps
  • Report and block any suspicious information or problematic content immediately.

A number of risks

Videos and testimonials shared on social media platforms can help spread the word about events far beyond a single geographic area. Take, for example, the police killing of African-American George Floyd in 2020. Although the events took place far away, they had a significant impact in France, where I lived until a few months ago, sparking demonstrations of support.

Floyd’s death also reignited the debate about police violence and racism in France. These events were taken up by associations fighting for black rights in France, quickly giving rise to a phenomenon of transnational solidarity.

The downside is that videos and testimonies can sometimes also contribute to the spread of unverified or even false information, increasing confusion and anger. Research has shown that fake news spreads six times faster than real information on platforms like X, formerly Twitter.

Social networks have also become important instruments of influence. Politicians and parties can, for example, interact directly with their voters, bypass traditional media and target their messages at an often young audience.

However, this power of influence can also be abused to manipulate information. There are numerous examples of disinformation campaigns on platforms such as Twitter or Facebook, be it unfounded rumors, fake accounts or political trolls.

This phenomenon is part of a broader trend of increasing disinformation in Africa: the Africa Center for Strategic Studies reported in March 2024 that “disinformation campaigns aimed at manipulating African information systems have increased almost fourfold since 2022.”

Given the intensive use of these platforms by young people, they become a preferred target for misinformation and manipulation.

This is particularly worrying as states are increasingly using social networks as a battleground for “information wars.” These battles are fought with true or false information, rather than traditional weapons. Their goal is to influence public opinion, destabilize political opponents, and advance national interests. Election interference via social networks has become commonplace, and there are allegations of orchestrated disinformation campaigns to influence election results.

The potentially dangerous influence of social media is not limited to politics or misinformation. Online platforms have become fertile ground for the spread of extremist rhetoric. This is because they are so easily accessible and offer the opportunity to engage directly with individuals.

Research shows that extremist organisations use these platforms to spread their ideologies, often targeting vulnerable young people and exploiting their feelings of exclusion or identity search. (Social networks are not the only factor in radicalisation – it is a complex process. However, their role should not be ignored.)

Of course, governments and technology companies can play a big role in solving these problems. They can work together to develop effective strategies to detect and combat misinformation and disinformation and ensure that social media platforms remain reliable sources of information and do not become tools of manipulation and deception.

But every individual user can also do a lot to make the online space safer for themselves.

Three tips

1. Develop your digital skills: My research has shown that learning how to handle information is a necessary prerequisite for combating disinformation. Users can learn to critically evaluate and verify information and identify reliable sources. There are initiatives that support this learning, such as WhatsApp’s collaboration with the NASSCOM Foundation in India, which aims to train users to identify fake news.

Fact-checking tools and platforms such as CheckNews from Libération or Africa Check can be used to verify the accuracy of information circulating on the Internet.

2. Avoid algorithmic traps: Be aware of algorithmic biases. I and others have shown that algorithms are never neutral. This is due to inherent biases in their design and the opaque nature of these systems. These biases can trap users in filter bubbles and promote misinformation that fuels disinformation. It’s important to diversify your sources of information and follow accounts that offer different perspectives.

3. Do not hesitate to report and block: If you come across suspicious information or problematic content, use the platforms’ reporting features to notify moderators. It’s also advisable to block persistent sources of disinformation to protect yourself from further exposure.

Provided by The Conversation

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Quote: Social media: Disinformation expert gives three safety tips in an age of fake news and shady influencers (August 10, 2024), accessed August 10, 2024 from

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By Olivia

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