Do you suffer from constipation when travelling? You are not alone | Well, actually

TTraveling can be wonderful. It’s an opportunity to get away from the daily grind, see different places, eat different food and sleep on different pillows. But it can also be terrible for the same reasons.

And sometimes you suffer from constipation.

“For many people, a work or vacation trip can be associated with the onset of new constipation or the worsening of existing constipation,” says Dr. John Carroll, a gastroenterologist at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital.

It seems that the very excitement and disruption that makes traveling so enjoyable can also have devastating effects on our digestive systems.

“Our gut loves routine,” says Dr. Erin Toto, clinical assistant professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. “When we go on vacation, our entire circadian rhythm gets thrown off, and that can really affect gut function.”

We asked experts why so many of us get constipated while traveling and what we can do to prevent it.

What is constipation?

“Constipation actually has many different definitions,” says Toto. Clinically, she says, it’s “hard stools, infrequent bowel movements, and difficulty in passing stools.”

What “rare” means can vary from person to person. Bowel movements between three times a day and three times a week are considered normal, Toto says.

In general, the number of bowel movements is less important than how you feel. “Most people have a good sense of what their normal baseline is” when it comes to pooping, says Keith Summa, M.D., assistant professor of gastroenterology and hepatology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. “If there’s a subjective feeling of slowing down and constipation, then I consider that constipation.”

Who gets travel constipation?

Lots of people! “These are very common problems,” says Dr. David Poppers, professor of medicine at NYU Langone Health. “It happens to your friends, coworkers, neighbors, family, airline crew, people at your hotel.”

While many travelers suffer from constipation, Poppers says the likelihood of it is higher in people with conditions such as celiac disease, chronic constipation, or gut-brain interaction disorders (DGBIs) such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Why do we get constipated when traveling?

Dehydration. One of the most common causes of constipation while traveling is dehydration, says Toto.

This drought can be both intentional and unintentional. Whether on a car ride or sitting in a window seat on a long flight, people tend to limit their fluid intake while traveling because they may not have easy access to a restroom, Toto says.

Even if you don’t intentionally avoid drinking fluids, flying can be particularly dehydrating because the air circulating in the plane contains almost no moisture.

This dehydration can disrupt our normal bowel movements. “The body tries to regain the missing water first through urine and stool,” explains Toto. If too much water is removed from our stool, it becomes hard and dry, making it difficult to pass stools.

Dietary change. When we travel, we eat differently than we do at home. “People eat more processed foods than usual and less fiber-rich foods, which can lead to constipation,” says Carroll. Additionally, people consume more alcohol and caffeine when traveling, which can be dehydrating and thus make constipation worse.

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Reduced physical activity. Regular exercise is essential for healthy bowel movements. Physical activity “sends signals to the intestinal tract to keep it moving,” Poppers explains. When people move less – perhaps because they’re stuck in a plane or car or don’t do their regular exercise routine – they’re more likely to experience constipation. “Being sedentary can really slow down bowel movements,” Poppers says.

jet lag. Traveling across time zones can throw off our internal clocks and disrupt our bodies’ natural rhythms, Summa says. “Your body’s clock gets out of sync with the clocks of the environment,” he explains. You eat and sleep at times your body doesn’t expect, and your rest and digestion systems get thrown off, leading to constipation and other gastrointestinal issues.

Fear. Traveling often comes with a lot of anxiety. There’s the stress of getting to the airport on time, making sure you’ve packed everything you need, or interacting with extended family members who recently joined multi-level marketing programs. These stressors can affect the gut “and manifest as constipation in some people,” Summa says.

What can we do to prevent travel constipation?

Hydrate. Since dehydration is a major cause of constipation, staying well hydrated is one of the best things you can do to prevent constipation. Toto recommends drinking plenty of fluids in the days leading up to your trip to ensure you’re hydrated when you leave.

Practice. For some, using a toilet other than their own can be stressful. Summa says it can be useful for these people to do some practice runs beforehand. “In the weeks leading up to the trip, try using public toilets near your home to get your body used to it and to ease some of the anxiety of being in a different environment,” he says.

Go! One of the biggest bathroom mistakes people make when traveling is not going when they need to, Toto says. Maybe you’re in a crowded hotel room or a small Airbnb and would rather hold it off until no one is there or you have more privacy. But that can only make the constipation worse. “I always remind people: Everyone poops,” Toto says.

How to treat travel constipation?

Regular habits. If you haven’t prepared and find yourself constipated while traveling, first try to get back into a healthy routine. “Make sure you drink plenty of fluids, eat a high-fiber diet and stay as active as possible,” says Carroll.

Medicines. If you’re getting enough water, fiber, and exercise and still need help, there are a number of over-the-counter constipation relief products that can help. Experts recommend medications like MiraLax or Dulcolax.

Know when to seek help. Although traveler’s constipation is very common, Poppers says it’s important to pay attention to your body’s reactions to make sure nothing more serious is happening. If you notice a significant change in your bowel movement pattern — if your bowel movements become noticeably larger, smaller, or more frequent or less frequent — you should talk to a doctor. Other warning signs include blood in the stool, abdominal pain, and unintentional weight loss, Popper says. “Additional tests such as blood tests, a direct examination, or a colonoscopy may be needed,” he says.

By Olivia

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