Does tretinoin really promote hair growth? Experts provide insights

Tretinoin, a derivative of vitamin A, is well known in dermatology for its ability to treat acne and signs of aging. But recently it has found a new purpose, promoting hair growth. Social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram are awash with claims that tretinoin, often in combination with minoxidil, can be a game-changer for people with hair loss. But is this trend backed by science and, more importantly, is it safe?

Social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram are awash with claims that tretinoin, often in combination with minoxidil, can be crucial for people suffering from hair loss.
Social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram are awash with claims that tretinoin, often in combination with minoxidil, can be crucial for people suffering from hair loss.

Does it work?

Dr. Amit Bangia, associate director of dermatology at Asian Hospital, notes that “Tretinoin has been shown to increase hair growth on the scalp, but it is not FDA approved to treat hair loss and therefore is not used very widely.” The idea behind using tretinoin in treating hair loss is due to its ability to enhance the penetration and effectiveness of minoxidil, a widely used topical treatment for hair growth.

Is tretinoin safe for hair growth?

Although tretinoin can cause hair growth, it’s important to know the potential risks associated with it. “The potential side effects can include itching, irritation, burning, redness and flaking,” says Dr. Bangia. He also stresses that tretinoin is usually combined with minoxidil and not used alone. The combination is generally used once daily, with results usually visible after three to four months.

Dr. Agni Kumar Bose, dermatologist, adds, “Tretinoin increases the levels of an enzyme called sulfotransferase, which helps metabolize minoxidil, thereby increasing its effectiveness. This novel method helps overcome a hurdle for many patients who do not respond to minoxidil.” However, Dr. Bose also points out that tretinoin alone has no effect on hair growth and is best used as an adjuvant to minoxidil.

Should you try tretinoin for hair loss?

For those considering tretinoin as part of their hair loss treatment, consulting a dermatologist is essential. “The patient must be physically examined by a dermatologist and only then will appropriate treatment be initiated,” advises Dr. Bose. Dr. Bangia also cautions against using tretinoin if you have a sensitive scalp. “If you have a sensitive scalp, do not use minoxidil along with tretinoin. It can cause scalp irritation and itching, especially when combined with minoxidil, which is sometimes alcohol-based and can cause irritation itself.”

Expert tips for starting tretinoin treatment for hair

If you are considering tretinoin to increase hair growth, here is a quick guide from the experts:

1. Start with a small amount (pea-sized) and apply about once a week, gradually increasing the frequency as your skin or scalp becomes accustomed to it.

2. Applying larger amounts will not produce faster results but may cause increased irritation, itching and flaking.

3. Because of photosensitivity, you should apply tretinoin in the evening before going to bed to avoid sun exposure.

4. Pay attention to how your scalp reacts to the treatment. Pay close attention to any side effects and report them to your dermatologist.

5. If you combine tretinoin with other ingredients such as minoxidil, carefully monitor for increasing irritation of your scalp and inform your dermatologist.

By Olivia

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