Drought continues, silage harvest underway – Ohio Ag Net

According to Ben Torrance, U.S. Department of Agriculture NASS Ohio Field Office statistician, intermittent rain showers last week were not enough to alleviate soil dryness, especially in south and east central Ohio. Topsoil moisture conditions were rated 19 percent very low, 38 percent low, 41 percent adequate and 2 percent above average. The average temperature statewide for the week ending Aug. 18 was 22.2 degrees, 0.2 degrees above normal. Weather stations recorded an average of 0.8 inches of precipitation, 3.8 inches below average. There were 5.6 days suitable for field work during the week ending Aug. 18.

The latest report from the U.S. Drought Monitor showed that 59 percent of the state is abnormally dry or worse, down 8 percentage points from the previous week. However, areas classified as severe drought increased by 2 points from the last report.

Non-irrigated grain crops, particularly corn and soybeans, showed signs of stress. Corn condition was rated 57 percent good to excellent, while soybean condition was rated 56 percent good to excellent. Both were down from the previous week. Hay harvest was better than last year and average due to favorable field conditions. The fourth cut of alfalfa hay has begun. Pasture and pasture condition was rated 34 percent good to excellent. Other field work included building waterways and laying tile.

Click here to read the full USDA NASS report.

By Olivia

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