Fact-checking the presidential debates in real time

I would like to see all national news organizations push for real-time fact-checking (of all candidates) during presidential/vice presidential debates. The idea that a candidate can make an outrageous statement or blatantly lie in front of millions of viewers without being immediately called out on it is abhorrent to me. It would be interesting to see which candidates or campaigns would agree to this, if any. I think ABC, CBS or NBC could do it given their vast computing capabilities, but I have no hope that Fox News would consider it. I think just mentioning the possibility would draw interesting comments from candidates/campaigns!

Paul Dyke, Hot springs in the desert

It’s time to choose Will Rollins

In his latest newsletter, Rep. Ken Calvert uses the latest jobs report and the rise in the unemployment rate to demand that we “…end inflationary tax and spending policies, support small businesses, and work to reduce costs across the economy.” What he fails to mention is that the rise in the unemployment rate is largely due to temporary layoffs and weather-related factors that increased the number of people who had a job in July but were not technically working.

The economy is still growing, new jobs are being created (114,000 is still above the historical average), wage gains continue to outpace inflation, and more people returned to work last month. Representative Calvert has been part of one of the most ineffective sessions of Congress in recent years, which would rather indulge in the performance art of pointless impeachment proceedings than enact measures that would help the average American.

Maybe he should focus his outrage on his Republican colleagues in the Senate, who just killed a bill to expand the child tax credit and reinstate tax breaks that would benefit many local businesses. It’s time to elect Will Rollins to restore a Democratic majority in the House – a majority that truly fights for all citizens.

William Mitchell, Palm Springs

Harris’ record at the border speaks volumes

Mrs Harris was not President Joe Biden called her “border czar.” It was a nickname invented by the media. But on March 24, 2021, Biden put her in charge of the border and she promised to “enforce the law.” She not We enforce the law and now we have millions of illegal immigrants, gang members, and people from countries that hate us in our country, not to mention the drug rampage that has killed thousands of Americans. Is that the kind of person you want as your president?

Richard Faustett, Rancho Mirage

By Olivia

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