Fallout London: How to free prisoners on the HMS Dredge?

Once you’ve joined the Vagabonds gang, you’ll be able to help them in their war against the Isle of Dogs syndicate. On this page of the guide, we’ve outlined how to complete the Prison Break quest on offer, get on board the HMS Dredge, free the prisoners, and destroy the ship.

Last update: August 08, 2024

After joining the Vagabonds, you will attend a meeting where you will plan a war against the Isle of Dogs Syndicate. You get three quests of high-ranking vagabonds, thanks to which you can deal a blow to the enemy organization. One of the quests is called Prison breakout from Johnnywhile you to board the ship HMS Dredge and free the gang members captured on board. On this page of the guide we have described how to free the captured vagabonds and complete the optional mission objectives – freeing the remaining prisoners and destroying the ship.

Starting the task

You can start the quest in the Swan & Miter pub after you have fully joined the Vagabonds gang. You must first give Sebastian a pin that proves that you killed a Syndicate officer. Fallout London: How to free prisoners on the HMS Dredge? Quests Fallout London Guide

You can start the quest at the Swan & Miter Pub after you have fully joined the Vagabonds gang – You must first present Sebastian with a pin proving that you killed a Syndicate officer. There will be a war meeting During this time, you and the Vagabonds officers begin planning a conflict with the Syndicate. You must complete three quests given to you by the officers – one of them is Prison breakout received from Johnny.

Your main goal is to free the vagabonds trapped on the HMS Dredge. Johnny also offers you an optional destinationthe completion of which will further strengthen your position during the conflict – Liberation of the remaining prisoners and subsequent destruction of the ship. He gives you three bombs that you must place in the cargo hold to blow up the ship. The ship is located on the island of Syndicatewhich you already visited in the previous quest when you helped Yvette – fast travel there to avoid having to go through the flooded radioactive tunnel again.

Although Sebastian and Johnny suggest that you complete the mission in secret, you don’t have to – remaining hidden is very demanding and ultimately not necessary. Solving the quest through stealth or open conflict has no effect on this.

Getting to the ship

We recommend going to the ship early in the evening, as there will be fewer gang members guarding it. - Fallout London: How to free prisoners on the HMS Dredge? - Quests - Fallout London Guide

We recommend arriving at the ship early in the evening – There will be fewer gang members guarding it. You can change the time of day by sleeping in bed or sitting somewhere and waiting. We also recommend that you use the front first removing the enemies and the turret above the door. After placing the bombs, you will have to escape through the front entrance anyway, so you can eliminate the guards now to save yourself the trouble later. Each guard has a key to the interior of the ship. Pay attention to the time – If you are on the ship in the morning or at night, you will encounter an enemy patrol when you leave the ship.

If you want to complete the quest quietly, you can enter the interior of the ship through the back entrance by jumping onto the outside deck via the brown pipes that lead to the ship. Be careful though, as this can cause a bug that prevents you from completing the quest. We’ve covered this bug on a separate page of the guide.

Liberation of the captured vagabonds

Inside the ship you will find several guards – you must eliminate them all – Fallout London: How to free prisoners on the HMS Dredge? – Quests – Fallout London Guide

Inside the ship you will find several guards – you have to eliminate them all. You currently have access to the middle deck and the upper deck – eliminate all enemies on both decks. Almost all enemies use knivesso you can neutralize them by shooting their right hand in VATS mode. Be careful when engaging in close combat as knives attack very quickly and are difficult to defend against.

After getting rid of the guards, talk to Larry, the prisoner in the cell on the upper deck - Fallout London: How to free prisoners on the HMS Dredge? - Quests - Fallout London Guide

After getting rid of the guards, talk to Larrythe prisoner in the cell on the upper deck. He will request his release through the nearby terminal. – after the first attempt you will learn that You must first reset the password by interacting with the director’s terminal. To do this, leave the ship through the rear exit and reach the outside deck.

You must now enter the cafeteria through the door on the outside deck - Fallout London: How to free prisoners on the HMS Dredge? - Quests - Fallout London Guide

You must now enter the cafeteria through the door on the outside deck. The director’s terminal is on the top floor and allows you to reset the prison terminal password – climb the stairs to the top, eliminating enemies along the way. Interact with the terminal on the top floor and reset your password. You can now return to the ship and free the prisoners via the terminal near the cells. You have achieved the main objective of the mission. – You can return to Swan & Miter or continue the mission to complete optional objectives.

Release of the remaining prisoners

To free the remaining prisoners, you must go down to the middle deck again and find Agatha, a prisoner locked in one of the cells in the side cabins – Fallout London: How to free prisoners on HMS Dredge? – Quests – Fallout London Guide

To free the remaining prisoners, you must go back down to the middle deck and find Agathaa prisoner locked in one of the cells in the side cubicles. Tell her that the vagabonds sent you, then open the cell by selecting the dialogue option telling her you want to helpThis opens all the cells, but the prisoners are not yet completely free – without weapons they will not survive the escape from the island. Agatha will ask you to open the armory so that the refugees can arm themselves and survive..

You must now go to the lower deck - Fallout London: How to free prisoners on the HMS Dredge? - Quests - Fallout London Guide

You must now go to the lower deck. The door leading to the stairs down is next to the back exit – it was previously closed, but opened when you interacted with the terminal. Eliminate more enemies on the lower deck – one of them has the armory key. You’ll also notice a red door leading to the cargo hold – ignore it for now. Take the armory key, go back to the middle deck and open the room. Then talk to Agatha and tell her the armory is open. This guarantees the survival of the prisoners.

You can get loot from the armory – it won’t affect the survival of the remaining prisoners. Just tell Agatha that the room is open. If you can’t find Agatha, leave the ship and go back inside. She should then appear at the armory door.

Sink the ship

Once you have freed all the prisoners, nothing stands in the way of sinking the ship - Fallout London: How to free prisoners on the HMS Dredge? - Quests - Fallout London Guide

Once you have freed all the prisoners, nothing stands in the way of sinking the ship. Now you have to go down to the lower deck and place the bombs in the hold – You have to open the red door mentioned above with a lock pick. In the hold you will meet the ship’s strongest guardswhich can prove to be very challenging. The room is spacious, but the containers inside it turn it into several narrow corridors. The arena is therefore perfect for throwing explosives – You can run away from enemies, wait for them to turn the corner and throw a grenade or Molotov cocktail at them.

After the battle, start placing bombs on the walls of the cargo hold - the corresponding spots will be highlighted and you will need to interact with them to place the bomb - Fallout London: How to free prisoners on HMS Dredge? - Quests - Fallout London Guide

After the battle, start placing bombs on the walls of the cargo hold – the corresponding spots will be highlighted and you will have to interact with them to plant the bomb. You can also do this while fighting the guards and then run away and ignore them if they prove too challenging. After placing all the bombs, quickly return to the middle deck and exit the ship through the front door. Sprint as far away as possible after leaving the ship – the bombs will explode in a few seconds and you will die if you are too close to the ship. The prison has been destroyed – You can now return to Swan & Miter and report to Sebastian and Johnny..

Completing the quest

When you return, talk to Johnny – Fallout London: How to free prisoners on HMS Dredge? – Quests – Fallout London Guide

When you come back, talk to Johnny. If you blew up the ship, Sebastian will be angry with you, but will calm down and praise you if you tell him that you freed the prisoners and told them that the vagabonds sent you. This completes the quest – you receive experience and three grenades. You will also complete one of the three objectives required to enter the final battle against the Syndicate.

By Olivia

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