Father: New playground “a great asset”

Amid screams, giggles and frequent ringing of bells, children happily tried out new playground equipment that was dedicated in East Germantown on Thursday, August 15.

Located just one block north of U.S. 40, next to the Boys & Girls Club of the Wayne Bank Unit of Wayne County, 519 Queen St., it is open to children from across the county and beyond.

The city exceeded its fundraising goal of $50,000 and received an additional $50,000 from the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority.

The dozens in attendance applauded Sheila Mills for coordinating the campaign and celebrated the nationwide collaboration in fundraising. The East Germantown playground is the first of five new playgrounds to be built.

Annastasia Reece, 3 1/2, who lives down the street, helped donors and community leaders cut the ribbon.

“It’s a great asset that will help the community,” said Annastasia’s father, James Reece. “I think it will bring more families with children here. It’s opened up a whole new world.”

Zion’s Lutheran Church in East Germantown donated $1,000. “It’s important to have a good, safe place for children to play,” said Pastor Cliff Nunn.

Denise Retz, Richmond’s parks supervisor, said playgrounds get children and adults outdoors, build mental and physical health and resilience after falls, and develop social skills such as conflict resolution and turn-taking. She said they can also increase the value of neighboring properties by as much as 20%.

A version of this article appeared in the August 21, 2024 print edition of the Western Wayne News.

By Olivia

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