For free choice? Offer women better choices than abortion

Stock Photo | cherylholt via Pixabay

The topic of abortion continues to cause controversy. And that’s a good thing, because it’s a complex issue with no easy answer.

For some, the answer is simple: unrestricted abortions, which can be performed at any stage of pregnancy. Problem solved, as a recent letter attempted to convey.

The argument for abortion is designed to create fear that women will be deprived of their rights. Sorry, abortion is not a God-given right. Moreover, every law restricting abortion has exceptions to protect the life of the mother or baby. This fact is often misrepresented by those who argue for unrestricted abortion. The fear that a woman could die because she cannot get an abortion is based on assumptions and what-ifs, not actual law.

The loudest voices supporting abortion are primarily elites, white women and men. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the truth is that in 2021 (the most recent year reported), 69.8% of abortions nationwide are performed on minority women (Black, Hispanic, others), and in North Carolina, the figure is 72.7%. Because Black and Hispanic communities are traditionally strong Christian/evangelical adherents who oppose abortion, it has become a silent epidemic. We can better support our communities by having programs that strengthen families and provide alternatives to abortion. After all, isn’t it about choice?

Abortion cannot be abolished by law. It requires a societal change that makes abortion an unacceptable option. This is what scares the pro-lifers who so stubbornly oppose pro-life activities. When abortion is the only option, it becomes a mandate, not a choice.

According to Reuters, few women experience serious complications as a result of an abortion. However, emergency room visits are common. This is because abortion clinics do not provide primary health care. They do not offer ongoing follow-up care, leading to increased emergency room visits after an abortion. Medical staff at abortion clinics do not have a doctor-patient relationship with their clients and do not know the woman’s medical history, mental/emotional state, or family dynamics. They simply perform the abortion and refer the woman to another clinic if complications arise after the abortion. The false narrative is that abortion is health care; it is not.

Get the facts. Don’t let fear guide your choice.

Mick Rankin


By Olivia

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