Forecast: There will be no cheap apples in the new season

Apple prices will remain high in the 2024/25 season as production declines in the EU, Ukraine and Moldova, reports EastFruit. UNN writes.


“Apple prices will remain high in the new 2024/25 season and exporters of quality fruit and apple concentrate will once again have the advantage,” the publication reports, citing data from the World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA).

According to the information, the apple harvest in the 20 most important EU countries in 2024 is not only expected to decline by 11 percent compared to the already low production level of the previous year (10.2 million tonnes vs. 11.5 million tonnes), but also to be 14 percent below the average of the last three years.

Harvest declines are expected in most producing countries, including France (-3%), Italy (-1%) and the Netherlands (-1%). Apple producers in Belgium (-34%), Romania (-15%) and Poland (-20%) will suffer the greatest losses.

“For apple producers from Moldova and Ukraine, this means significantly less competition from Polish apples in Europe and the Middle East, as well as some additional opportunities on the Romanian market. Of course, only those producers who can continue to supply export-quality apples will be able to take advantage of these opportunities, which could be a problem in both countries,” the publication says.

In Moldova, for example, production will fall by 14% to just 450,000 tonnes in 2024, according to WAPA, and in Ukraine, according to EastFruit, the apple harvest will also be lower than last year due to unfavorable weather conditions in the spring and summer of this year.

In Ukraine, a deadline for monitoring has been setAugust 7, 2024, 09:59 • 44331 views

By Olivia

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