Free daily horoscope for August 20, 2024

Your daily horoscope for August 20, 2024

BIRTHDAY STAR: Actor Liana Liberato was born today in 1995 in Galveston, Texas. This birthday star shone as McKenna Brady in the series “Light as a Feather.” You may also know her from “Based on a True Story,” where she played Tory Thompson. In addition, she has had roles in “Criminal Minds,” “A Million Little Things,” and “Sons of Anarchy.” Liberato’s impressive filmography includes appearances in “Totally Killer,” “The Best of Me,” and “If I Stay.”

ARIES (March 21 – April 19): Powerful colleagues may provoke you or cast doubt on your sincerity. You may remain reasonable and considerate under social pressure. Use your honed communication skills to help people believe in you.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20): New friends or co-workers may enter your circle and inspire you to new discoveries. However, their influence could disrupt routines or cause conflict. Keep an eye on your bank account, as more may be going out than coming in.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20): Be aware of your limitations and the areas where you feel there is room for improvement and expansion. You may tend to give other people the benefit of the doubt, but others may not be so forgiving of your mistakes.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22): Think about the messages you’re sending and what you’re trying to convey. Acting like you know what you’re doing may get you further than you expect. It can be helpful to make your skills more obvious to everyone.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): Insist on authenticity. If you have to play a shell game to gain someone’s trust, the relationship probably wasn’t worth the effort to begin with. Consider using determination and imagination to make your dreams a reality.

VIRGO (23 August – 22 September): Your ambitions are the most important thing, but occasional distractions in your environment could lead you astray. Focus on what’s most important. Having high hopes for improvement may be great, but hold off on opening new accounts.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22): Wait for the real deal. Questionable deals can fizzle out quickly, but your commitment to achieving your goals can lead to lasting rewards. Be open to any small acts of kindness you find along the way.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21): You may find that some of your problems are due to things that are outside of your control. Once you accept the inevitable, you may be able to take responsibility and change the things that are within your control.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21): Maintain high standards and keep your promises, even when others appear to be acting unethically. Logical analysis can guide you through conflict and help you avoid being pressured to bend the rules to meet uncomfortable elements.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19): Time is money, or so they say. If you work more efficiently, you can potentially make more money. So consider using devices that help you work smarter, not harder. Take advantage of technology and apply it to projects that require effective automation.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18): There are bridges you need to cross, and some of them you might burn in the next few days: be open about your needs and expectations. Trust and sincerity might be the key elements you need to gain the support of your colleagues.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20): Follow your vision. There may be many people who will help you take practical steps to develop and express your creative talents. If you are passionate about what you do, this could be a good time to move forward.

IF AUGUST 20 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Enjoying social gatherings and meeting with like-minded people could be your greatest ambition over the next two to three weeks. In September, you may be ready to fight for your rights, but could overdo it by being too assertive or argumentative. Learning to be more sensitive and compassionate could give your life a new direction in late September and help you live a healthier and more peaceful life. Your imagination and idealism could be accompanied by a limitless capacity for inspiration in October and November. Early November could be a good time for a romantic getaway or vacation, or a time when you could work hard to make your ideas a reality. Your dexterity in the material world could reach a peak in late November, possibly helping you with major purchases or financial decisions.

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By Olivia

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