Free Mintropolis EP Kirn & Meindl this weekend; modular and techno

Florian Meindl and I have been working on new material with FLASH Recordings when we’re not deep into gear. To celebrate our ongoing collaboration, we released an EP for free on Bandcamp this weekend.

Here is the publication, Mintropolis:

And this is a good time to discuss the topic of modules again. Firstly, Love Building things in the box – don’t get me wrong. This also means you can build a complete system using just your laptop and free and inexpensive software. (VCV Rack, I mean you!)

But can you play live with a modular system? Can you use it for nuanced sound design, production and arrangements? Can you create dance tracks with it? Yes, absolutely.

My studio doesn’t look like that, but it’s also fun to bring my boat and connect with Florian’s – and hardware is a great medium for collaboration. And like any collection, people find bargains, build something up over time, sell some stuff, and find ways to do things on a budget.

I just want to point out certain hardware as I was going through my photo archive from that time, stuff we used and that I love:

  • Sitka Instruments Gravity is by far my favorite clock module – made in Kiev.
  • Roland Demora Delay, very underrated, was used very often. (no longer available)
  • Erica Synths Bass Drum is a classic
  • Radio Elephant Natural Gate is one of Flo’s favorites
  • Noise Engineering Loquelic Iteritas Percido – oh yeah
  • The excellent modules from MFB are used
  • Tiptop Audio Hatshop
  • A bunch of old Bastl Instruments stuff
  • Acidlab Robokop is being trained – I love all the Acidlab stuff
  • I have used Timo Rozendal’s FMP extensively and – seriously – look at his kits! Speaking of ways you can build a modular system for almost nothing…

You’ll hear some of it on these two tracks, and the first track also makes heavy use of the Moog Subharmonicon.

Hope you enjoy. Another throwback – check out how Florian puts together his live sets. I think this could do with an update for 2024, as we all change our gear regularly:

Plus our mixer reviews, which have been incorporated into these productions and will – once again – provide action:

By Olivia

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