Free opioid overdose training and Narcan kits at Havelock Recreation Center

This Saturday is International Overdose Awareness Day.

On Tuesday, August 27, a group in Craven County is hosting a Narcan training session. This is an opportunity for anyone who wants to learn to recognize the signs of an opioid overdose and potentially save a life.

The free event will take place tonight at 6 p.m. at the Havelock Recreation Center. Participants will receive a free Narcan kit and information from the Craven County Opioid Epidemic Response Team.

Jasmine Canady works as a program coordinator and ensures that these trainings are accessible to people across the country.

“Everyone can help save someone’s life – save a life. The goal is to meet everyone where they are, and this is more than just a communications strategy. Craven County is a large county – our goal here was to go to every area of ​​Craven County and get this information out to citizens and residents. Our main goal is to reduce the impact of opioid abuse and the impact on Craven County,” says Jasmine Canady of Craven County Opioid Epidemic Response.

Canady told us that the task force is already making plans to conduct further training.

Click here to learn more about the response to the opioid epidemic in Craven County.

In a social media post, Congressman Greg Murphy made the following statement:

With President Biden taking a back seat to Vice President Harris in the national spotlight, it is Kamala’s duty to speak to the press regularly. Her hesitation and dodging of difficult questions should not be acceptable to anyone. Although many in the mainstream media treat President Trump and other Republican politicians with disdain, they are nevertheless available to answer questions. The media landscape today is much different than it has ever been. Between television, social media, podcasts, and print and digital media, there are a variety of ways to speak to people across the country. The American people deserve to hear from their politicians frequently. I hope that hiding in the basement is not the new normal. Our country could certainly benefit from more open dialogue.

By Olivia

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