Government of Santiago approves investment in high-performance rugby centre

New investments are pending in Chile. The government of Santiago has given the green light to an investment of 1,457 million Chilean pesos (1.5 million US dollars) for the further expansion of the High Performance Rugby Center in the Chilean capital.

The Governor of the Metropolitan regionClaudio Orrego was present at the announcement alongside Rugby Chile chairman Cristian Rudloff. Orrego pointed out that the investment will benefit both Chile’s players and the community, and will provide an incentive for more children to play rugby.

The new investments will be used to maintain and improve the stands and modernize the lighting at the Chilean national team’s training ground in Mahuida Park.

The infrastructure improvements will provide greater comfort for spectators, while the lighting upgrades will improve training conditions for athletes. These improvements come after Chile’s debut at the 2023 Rugby World Cup.

Chile’s first Rugby World Cup appearance was a success for Chilean sport and the government now wants to make further investments to take this forward. Chile recently hosted Hong Kong, Belgium and Scotland in July. The Condors played against Scotland in front of a record crowd. In July 2025, Chile will face Los Pumas in a friendly match at home.

Photo credit: Rodrigo Eyzaguirre

By Olivia

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