Harken Sweets opens 1,000 new locations and aims to expand the healthier candy category

The brand’s entry into more retail stores will reach shoppers who “left the candy bar sector because they couldn’t find products that truly met their needs,” Katie Lefkowitz, founder and CEO of Harken Sweets, told FoodNavigator-USA.

Harken Sweets has grown rapidly since its launch last December, when it was initially available in several New York retail stores and online. That success led the brand to expand its production capacity, eventually securing placement in about 80% of Walmart stores nationwide, according to Lefkowitz. Once the brand was established at Walmart, its production capacity was well prepared to meet demand from an additional 1,000 retail locations outside of Walmart.

“We now have the capacity to take on these larger retailers. … The interesting thing about Harken is that it’s doing well at a large retailer like Walmart. And we’re seeing really positive signs at a more conventional retail chain like those under the Albertson-Safeway umbrella and also in the natural foods channel like we’re seeing at The Fresh Market,” she said.

The brand’s broad appeal across various retailers attracts consumers looking for a healthier alternative as well as those simply looking for something sweet, Lefkowitz stressed.

Harken Sweets offers a healthier alternative to traditional candy bars with the message of “thinking back to a time when (people) could eat these sweets and feel good about it,” Lefkowitz explained. This nostalgic and comforting theme is reflected in the brand’s design, she added. The plant-based candy bars contain no added sugar and are sweetened with dates, which provide prebiotic fiber in addition to prebiotic tapioca.

By Olivia

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