Have Democrats bothered to vet Kamala’s vice president, “Tampon Tim”? Because stolen courage, BLM burns, COVID tyranny, stolen teacher funds, supporting 10/7, and promoting Hitler do not paint a good picture for a presidential run. By Wayne Allyn Root

I may be biased. I have been a Trump supporter since the day he came down the escalator in June 2015. That day I wrote the Fox News op-ed, “Meet the Next President, Donald J. Trump.” Trump had only 1% approval at the time.

But I have never in my life witnessed anything as crazy, reckless, incompetent, radical, extreme or bizarre as the Democrats’ choice of vice president.

It gets worse every day. And every time I think it can’t get any worse, it gets a lot worse.

At first I thought Tim Walz would be a terrible and bizarre choice for Vice President simply because he is a communist through and through. If anyone in America actually found out what “Tampon Tim” believes in and the policies he has supported and pushed through, they would be repulsed and disgusted.

I also found the election so horrible and bizarre because he looks like he’s 80 years old. Politics is “show business.” The Democrats elected a man who is three years younger than me but looks like my grandfather. Bizarre.

But then things got out of control.

During the COVID pandemic, “Tampon Tim” was a COVID bully. He locked Minnesotans in their homes and forbade them from leaving. Worse, he set up a “snitch hotline” so neighbors could report other neighbors. Was he going to throw them in jail for making a milk delivery?

Tampon Tim is the ultimate testament to the madness, hysteria and, worst of all, tyranny of the left. He is a communist, control-obsessed tyrant who thinks he knows best. But he never does.

Who would have thought that “Tampon Tim” is also “COVID Tyrant Tim”.

But just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, we all learned that his wife was celebrating as BLM rioters burned down downtown Minneapolis. She bragged about keeping her windows open because she loved the smell of BLM burning down her own city.

Who would have thought that “Tampon Tim”’s wife is a “Burning Woman.”

These people aren’t just communists. They’re crazy. They’re guilt-ridden, self-hating, white liberal idiots.

But it’s getting worse. Much worse.

This crazy, extreme, radical communist supports abortion up to birth and transgender surgery for minors. He wants to take away children from parents who don’t agree with Johnny becoming Jane. He has placed tampons in men’s bathrooms (hence the nickname “Tampon Tim”). He has used taxpayer money to put on drag queen shows that are open to children. And he passed a law that appears to make pedophiles a protected class in Minnesota.

Who knew that “Tampon Tim” is also “Drag Queen Tim”.

This guy is a sick, twisted, crazy nutcase. Who knows what he does in his private life. If you knew all this, would you leave your children with him?

So who would vote to put him at the head of our country?

It gets worse. “Tampon Tim” loves open borders. He said publicly that if he could, he would provide ladders for any illegal intruder to climb over the wall.

Who would have thought that “Tampon Tim” is also “Open Borders & Ladders Tim”.

But that is precisely what makes him the perfect accomplice for “border czar” Kamala Harris when it comes to bringing about the final destruction of America and the replacement of all American workers and American voters.

He also believes in censorship. Anything and anyone that contradicts his radical communist views falls under the category of “disinformation”. This man is another Stalin, Mao or Hitler in the making. This is always where tyranny, mass murder and re-education camps begin.

And we all know where it ends.

This is quite understandable, because this crazy communist has made 30 trips to China – and celebrates a country where critics of government policy are made to “disappear” in the middle of the night.

He and his crazy wife, Burning Woman, spent their honeymoon in China. Their wedding was planned for the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Does this all seem normal to you?

Who would have thought that “Tampon Tim” is also “China-owned Tim”.

There’s a new scandal brewing at Tampon Tim: $250 million in state funding for education in Minnesota was stolen by a left-wing organization. Why should Walz care? I’m sure he got his kickbacks in the form of campaign contributions.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, here comes the absolute icing on the cake…

“Tampon Tim” lied about his military service. Bad lies. That’s “stolen valor.” That’s a heinous, shameful, vile, and despicable crime. It doesn’t get any viler than that. Tampon Tim could go to prison for some time.

Who would have thought that “Tampon Tim” is also “Stolen Valor Tim”.

He lied about his rank when he retired; he lied about his deployment to war (he retired when he had to go to war); he lied about carrying weapons in a war zone; he lied about his deployment to Operation Enduring Freedom; he lied about his deployment to Afghanistan; he lied about his deployment to Iraq. That’s a whole lot of lies.

No wonder he advocates tampons in men’s restrooms.

And now for the grand finale: Tim is close friends with the only Hamas congresswoman, Ilhan Omar. He has replaced the Minnesota state flag with one that resembles the Somali flag. And in Minneapolis, the Muslim call to prayer is broadcast all day long from mosque loudspeakers – the only place in America where this is allowed.

But all that pales in comparison to the latest revelation…

Tampon Tim has repeatedly hosted a Muslim cleric who celebrated Hamas’s October 7 terrorist attack on Israel, used his Facebook page to distribute Hamas press releases and promote a pro-Hitler film. This cleric has on many occasions equated Muslim genocidal terrorism with Israel’s self-defense.

Who would have thought that Tampon Tim is also “Jihad Tim”.

This is the most bizarre story in the history of modern US politics. Either the Democrats have “Tampon Tim”, aka “Drag Queen Tim”, aka “Open Borders & Ladders Tim”, aka “COVID Tyrant Tim”, aka “Stolen Valor Tim”, aka “China-owned Tim”, aka “Jihad Tim” – and don’t forget his wife, “Burning Woman”.

Or the Chinese Communist Party forced his appointment as Vice President on Kamala Harris, who operates in China, and the Democratic Party, which also operates in China.

Or both.

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Photo credit: Sonder Quest on Unsplash

By Olivia

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