Haylee’s Hub: Getting involved is necessary, valuable

I always rolled my eyes when people encouraged me to get involved while in college. Part of me thought it was pointless. College is just for the classes, right?

During my first semester of college, I completely neglected the idea of ​​getting involved in any clubs or organizations. I ended up desperately trying to keep my head above water; college is a huge adjustment.

While I don’t regret taking it slow in my first semester, I do regret not putting more emphasis on getting involved. If I had started earlier, it would have been less intimidating to get involved.

According to a study from Ohio State University, participation in extracurricular activities leads to better outcomes in all areas of a student’s life. The study shows that participation has a positive impact on academic performance, cognitive development, well-being, leadership skills, and multicultural awareness.

I experienced this firsthand when I decided to join the Post. I always knew I wanted to be involved in student media, and joining a prestigious campus newspaper filled me with pride and a sense of accomplishment.

The resources and networking opportunities you get from joining a club or organization are invaluable. A big part of college is networking, and having that advantage will help you in the future.

Ohio University offers hundreds of different clubs and organizations to join. There is something for everyone; you can find them all through BobcatConnect. BobcatConnect is a convenient resource for all Ohio University students to access different clubs, organizations, events, and more. I’ve spent a lot of time exploring BobcatConnect, and there really is something for everyone.

Getting involved doesn’t just mean getting involved in clubs or organizations, it can also mean getting involved in your major. It’s easy to get through college without getting into things in depth; I was too.

Since I started introducing myself to my professors and building deeper connections with other students, I feel more connected to OU and my major overall. Learning more about your major and some of the specific things it has to offer can open so many doors for you. Don’t sit idle, these four years are for you to learn, grow, explore and gain deeper perspectives; once we’re in the workforce, these opportunities are few and far between.

College is what you make of it. While you don’t have to take the traditional route, it’s important to make the most of those four years.

I’m a junior incoming and time really flies. I would always ignore this notion and think I have plenty of time, but time really does fly. Before you know it, you’ve been in Athens for two years and only have two more to go.

While commitment is important, don’t feel pressured to jump in right away. Take some time to settle in and get used to college life. If you feel ready to take the step, you won’t regret it.

Haylee Leasure is a third-year journalism student. Please note that the opinions expressed in this column do not reflect those of The publisher. Want to talk about the column? Email Haylee at [email protected].

By Olivia

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